Monday, April 30, 2012

FAA urged to ensure wind turbines don
The Gulf Coast environmental organizatioh said the FAA has refused to apply theser federal regulations to its preauthorization review of proposed windturbinre projects. CHA contends that the FAA is violatingh the National Environmental Polichy Act and the EndangeredSpecies Act. Texas has the largest installed wind turbine capacit y ofany state, with additional projects both undert construction and on the planning The CHA says two wind farmsw in Kenedy County along the lower Texa s coast received turbine approvals from the FAA in 2007 and 2008 withouyt consideration of environmental issues.
Houston attorney Jim a spokesman forthe CHA, said environmental oversightg of the wind projects is neede to ensure the true impacts are The lower coast of Texasw is a major corridor for migratorhy birds, according to the .

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