Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Calpin, Dzembo, Feldman, Hamlin named to Bradenton SHIP board - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Mayor Wayne Poston and the City Councip appointed 11 board members based on recommendation fromthe city’s housing and communith development departments. • Rebekah community development specialist with the Tim Calpin, assistant vice president of residentialp lending with • Thomas Cookingham, assistant director of plannin and community development with the city Nicholas Dzembo, commercial relationship manager with Marc Feldman, a lawyer with • Joanello Gruebel, family lodge manager with the • Curtise Hamlin a lawyer with • Williakm Humphreys Jr.
, vice chairman of Manatee’ Construction Trades Board • Jeanne a teacher with the School Districgt of Manatee County • Ellen Weiss, a retired real estate consultany • Bruce Wickens, a supervisor in the properth management department of Manatee County government A core group consistintg of Feldman, Hamlin, Gruebel and Cookingham has been meeting on an informal basis since December, said Vicki White, coordinator of the Housingf and Community Development Division. The larger group will beginj meetingin May. Over time, the committee may take on a largere role for grants other than said White.
Administered by the , SHIP provides fundw to local governments to encourage partnerships for affordable homeownership and multifamilt housing for lowto moderate-income families.

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