Sunday, October 28, 2012

million to competitor for damages relatedf to a patent infringement verdict from a federaCircuit Court. The court reviewerd a December2007 verdict, which claime that Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) had infringed on DePuy’s patent of a line of multiaxial screwzs used in spinal surgery. The courtg affirmed a $149.1 million awarde for lost profits. But the court reversedf previous sanctions, which droppe $77.2 million in outright damageswand $10.5 million in attorneys’ fees and other The Vertex line of screws is no longedr on the market.
Memphis-based Medtronic Spinao and Biologics business president Stev e La Neve said theruling “has no bearingb on our current Vertex Selecr and OC Systems,” which are othert spinal systems. The case will now be remanded to a triaol court for calculation of thereduced judgment, which will include amount s both for post-judgment and pre-judgment interesrt on the damages. Based outside of Minneapolis, Medtronic is the world’s largestf medical device company.
Its spinal and biologicd business units are basec in Memphis where itemploys

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