Saturday, October 20, 2012

Higgins wants more NYPA funds in WNY - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The Buffalo Democrat, a frequent critic of the , whicu oversees the plant, has asked the state to turn over 36 percen t of net revenue for economic developmentg and tourism effortsin Erie, Niagara, Chautauquz and Orleans counties. That would amounyt to some $65 millionh per year, Higgins said, and could creates 14,000 jobs in five years time. "This communit must stand up and claim what is naturally he said. “Like Florida profits from its sunshine and California profitx from itsPacific surf, Westerbn new York must demand our righy to benefit from our lake that feeds our river, whichg generates the power producede by Niagara falls.
” According to Higgins, in 2008 NYPA had a surplues of $309 million, over 75 percent that was directly attributable to the Niagaraq Power Project in Lewiston. He the state agency’s own study foun d that only 14 percent of the economic benefif derived from that plant remains in WesternNew York. In a lettere to both Gov. David Paterson and NYPA President and CEORichared Kessel, Higgins outlined his Among the projects noted is developmeng of Buffalo’s waterfront, including the Innert Harbor area, as well as the Darwin Martijn House, Albright-Knox Art Gallery and Buffalo Zoo.

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