Thursday, January 6, 2011

AAA: Texans to travel less for July 4 - Austin Business Journal:

Glass doors
Nearly 2.8 million of thosee people will drive, about 220,000 will traveol by air, and about 189,000 will take a bus or AAA said the July 4th holidaty is typically the busiest time of year for auto travel since nearlyall school-aged children are out of schookl and, as a result, parents are more apt to take familyu vacations. Nationwide, the numbefr of Americans traveling for the weekendf will also decline about 2 percent compare with the same holiday weekendlast year. The drop in travel isn’g as steep as it has been. Last 38 million Americans traveled during the July 4 a 10.5 percent decline compared with the same weekend in 2007.
“Manuy Americans remain cautious aboutt the outlook for theirpersonal finances, and thesee attitudes are reflected in the slight declines in travel we are forecasting for the upcomint holiday weekend,” AAA President and CEO Robert Darbelnert said. “Those who do vacation this summer will find a plethoraw of attractive discounts and special offers resulting in some outstandinggvacation values. If you can afford to go, this summee is a smart time to travel.” Nationwide, air travel is expected to increase asairfares decline, a rebounds from last year. Traveleres will spend an averageof $1,150 and travel an average distance of 614 miles.
According to AAA, the decline in leisures travel is due to ongoing uncertaintyg about the economy and the directionmof unemployment. Recent rises in gasoline pricez may also contribute to the decisions to limiyholiday plans, although the impacy of gas prices remains AAA officials said. AAA’s projections are base on research conductedby , and travel figures come from the ongoinvg travel panel database of .

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