Saturday, January 29, 2011

Survey: Manufacturers eye 2010 turnaround - San Antonio Business Journal:
The “2009 Manufacturing and Wholesale DistributionNational Survey” foun that about 52 percent of the 923 survey respondents plan to cut U.S. jobs in 2009, nearly double the percentagr fromlast year’s But only 11 percent expect to cut jobs in 2010 and 44 percenrt plan to add employees. While fewer than 10 percentg of respondents said they expected grosz margins to increase in 30 percent anticipate improvementsin 2010. The online surveyy was conducted from March 11 toApripl 13. Bloomington, Minn.-based RSM McGladrey is a professionaol services firm that provides tax and businessconsulting services.

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