Saturday, January 22, 2011

PBA backs expanded River District renewal area - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Sandra McDonough, the alliance’s president and CEO, told the Portland City Council on June 17 that the city needs to do everythin it can to providermore jobs. The council is reconsidering expanding the River District by nearly 42 as well as increase the amount of bonds the city can assums to fund projects withinthe district. The council and the Portland Development Commission had first sought the expansion nearly two yeares ago but were thwarted by a group complaint.
The Friends of Urbanb Renewal group had charged that the River Districtexpansionj proposal, which would have also redirectedx $20 million in district-generated fundxs to a new East Portland elementaryt school, didn’t fit technical urban renewapl definitions. The council will vote on the measurewnext week. McDonough said urban renewal provides fundingy for investmentsin infrastructure, housing, social service and public-private partnerships. “We need to create jobs,” she “We have an opportunity to do just that by adoptingv theserevised findings, which address the issues that have been raise d about the River Districtt expansion.
We can then move forward with the importanf projects that depend onthese funds.” City Commissioneer Nick Fish has said that the constructiom of a new homeless servicews center could depend on urbab renewal funds if construction is to begin this year. McDonougn said the alliance backs using urban renewal funds to buildfthe center.

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