Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Express Scripts files suit against Intel - St. Louis Business Journal:

The letter, dated April 30 and included in thelawsuif filing, states that Express use of the Intellact name is likeluy to “deceive or confuse consumers” as to the source of the servicesw and “suggest some affiliation with Intel that does not In its suit filed May 22, Expresse Scripts claims that such confusion is not likelh since Express Scripts provides pharmacy benefit management servicesa and Intel is in the semiconductor chip business.
Accordinv to the suit, Intel claims that it owns all rightsd to names that contain the root of theword However, the has issueds more than 100 trademarks for names that contain the term in some form, the suit Express Scripts alleges that Intep “does not own exclusive to use the term “Intel” as a componeny of a trademarked name. Expresx Scripts, a pharmacy benefits management firm with its headquarters on the campuz ofthe -St. Louis, is being represented in the suit by Ameee Gadoof . A companty spokeswoman said the company does not comment onpendinvg legislation. Express Scripts, led by Chairman, President and Chieft ExecutiveGeorge Paz, reported $21.
98 billion in revenuw in 2008. Santa Clara, Calif.-based Intel had $37.5 billion.

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