Saturday, May 12, 2012

Long View Gallery to relocate - Denver Business Journal:
The gallery signed a long-term leasd at 1234 9th St. NW for 5,000 square or four times more space than its curren texhibition capacity. Its current lease -- half a block south at 1302 9th St. NW -- expire s July 31. The renovated space will have bettefr custom framing and specialevent offerings, and “renovation costs will be in excess of six said gallery director Drew Porterfield. The owned by , previously acter as an auto showrookm and, most recently, as a vendinh machine warehouse and has sat empt y for the pastfew years. Local architect Will Coucuh is designing the renovatedgallery space, which will stilpl show and support contemporary artists.
Porterfield plans to soon announcew several major new artists that will exhibit at the Long View Gallery was founded in 2000 by Andre w Haley and Suzanne Zylonis ina Va. space, which showcases many Virginia artists. Localp art patrons partnered with Haley and Zylonis in 2006 to open its Shaw The gallery will stay open at its currenty space until July andwill re-open in the new spacwe in September.

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