Wednesday, November 14, 2012

40 Under Forty: Shawn Allan - New Mexico Business Weekly:
While he focuses nowadays on ceramics andmaterials technology, in high school Allah thought of majoring in Russian studies and linguistics, or polymer or ceramic engineering—“not really knowing what the latterd two were all about.” It was his impressionsz of a senior-year campus tour of , the Finger Lakes-arewa school so famous for its ceramics that led him to choose his current At Alfred, Allan met an important Dr. Al Meier, who encourageed him to continue withmaterials science. Meiere recommended him for an internshipwith , a well-knowm research center in California. Allan also went to for a master’ws degree.
Academics and career were not his only interestxin college, however; Allan also pursued sociak activism. “I am quite proud of my work durinf college that directly resulteds in a constitutional broadening of myinternational fraternity’s non-discrimination Allan says. His writtehn arguments to the fraternity were published ina “Brotherhood.” At Ceralink, Allan has helped writre funding proposals for projects such as energy-efficient manufacturint of laminated glass. He has been with the company forfour “I enjoy the flexibility of my job, both in what I do and how I Allan says, “and also the flexibility to juggle personalo life.
” Originally from Niagara Allan lives with his partner and cat in He enjoys snowboarding, cross-country skiing, cycling, running, hiking and backpacking, the Troy Farmer’ Market, various Asian cuisines and literature. Recently, he has been readinv “Ulysses” by James Joyce and “Crime and by Dostoyevsky. Allan has been taking Spanish at Troy High School and volunteerz with Capital DistrictCommunity Gardens. He also plays variouws instruments, including bagpipes, flute and saxophone.
What does he think the region needs mostA light-rail public transit

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