Sunday, November 4, 2012

Intel to buy Wind River for $884M - The Business Review (Albany):
Intel's $11.50-per-share offer is about a 44 perceny premium overWind River's closing price on Wednesday of $8. Wind Rivef stock lost more than half its valude betweena 52-week high of $12.999 last August and a low of $5.61 in March. Santa Clara-basesd Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) said buying Alameda-based Wind River WIND) will help it expand its softwarer into thousands of embedded systems and mobile deviced includingsmart phones, in-car "info-tainment" aerospace and defense, energy and thousands of otherf uses.
Wind River will operate as a whollyt owned subsidiary after the deal closews duringthe summer, reporting to Renee James, head of Intel’s software and servicezs group. "Our combination of strengths will be of great benefit toWind River’sw existing and future customers," said Ken Klein, Wind Rivere chairman, president and CEO. Founded in 1981, Wind Riverf has more than 1,600 employees and operations in more than 15 During its fiscal yearended Jan. 31, Wind River reportef $10.7 million in net income on annuaol revenueof $359.7 million. Intel conductx some of its research at theresearc campus, which is home to the state 'ss .

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