Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Hampshire School Bus Drivers and Monitors Choose Teamsters
"We are all thrilled to become Teamsters," said Firsr Student driver . "We hope to get a contract that will guaranteer usbetter wages, benefits and work conditions." Other main priorities are betterf and more affordable health care and respecrt from management. "The Teamsters welcomde the First Student drivers and will work hard to negotiatde for thema good, first contract that will give them the wageds and benefits they deserve for the hard work they do," said Davie W. Laughton , Secretary-Treasurer of Teamstersw Local 633 and of Joint Council 10. The victory is the lates in an effort to organize private school bus and transit workers acroswthe country.
Drive Up Standards is a national campaign toimprove safety, service and work standards in the privated school bus and transity industry. Since the campaign began in 2006, more than 18,50 drivers, monitors, aides, mechanics and attendants havebecomwe Teamsters. Founded in 1903, the Teamsters Union representsz morethan 1.4 million hardworking men and women in the Uniteds States, Canada and Puerto

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