Friday, November 30, 2012

College of Nanoscale Science will start undergraduate program - Triangle Business Journal:
State University of New York Chancellotr Nancy Zimpher made the announcement Friday atthe college’s Fullet Road campus. Currently, the college offers only master’s and doctorapl programs. Some undergraduate courses will be offered in the but the first full class of aboutt 50 students will start inthe spring, said Robert vice president of academic affairs at the school. The college planx to grow the freshman clasd to 300 to 500 in the next four or five saidAlain Kaloyeros, the college’s vice presideng and CEO. The baccalaureate program will be funded througgha $10 million endowment, a donation that includes an undiscloserd amount from G.
Thomax Selfridge, who owns The endowment is expected to coverdtuition costs, Kaloyeros said. Selfridge also made an endowment when the campusz openedin 2001. The state approvefd the four-year program two weeks ago. Initially, Alban Nanotech will not add to its staff of 55 Geer said, but that numbef is expected to grow to 75 over the next five Friday’s announcement was another milestone for the Albany NanoTech campus, where the collegew is located. Earlier this week, officials therde announced that private, federal and state investments at the campus hadtoppedc $5 billion. Employment has also exceededd the 2,500-mark.
That’s the number of researchers, engineers, students and faculty that now work atthe 800,000-square-foot With an average salary of $81,000, thosre numbers translate to an annualk payroll of $202 Albany NanoTech opened its fourtnh building, NanoFab 300 East, this past spring. Zimpherr became chancellor June 1. She is touring SUNY campuses over the nextfew months.

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