Thursday, December 30, 2010

Shrewsbury USPS center fined $238000 - Worcester Telegram

MyFox Atlanta

Shrewsbury USPS center fined $238000

Worcester Telegram

By Elaine Thompson and Scott J. Croteau TELEGRAM & GAZETTE STAFF SHREWSBURY รข€" The US Postal Service's Central Massachusetts Processing and Distribution ...

Postal Service faces safety fines for Mass. center

Boston Herald

OSHA fines Postal Service $80000 for violations in Duluth

Atlanta Journal Constitution

OSHA proposes $238000 in fines against USPS mail processing facility

Reliable Plant Magazine


Monday, December 27, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

New Millennium breaks ground for Lake City plant - Business First of Louisville:
New Millennium produces steelk joists and decking used incommerciapl buildings. The company is a subsidiar of Indiana-based The new 252,000-square-foort facility will provide building componentsfor non-residential constructiob projects in Florida and surrounding states. The plant' s annual production capacity will beabout 70,000 tons of trusses, and girders, and about 50,000 tons of steel roof and floor decking. Steeol Dynamics' Indiana steel mills will provides most of the steel used for fabricationn anddecking material. Since beginning production in 2000, New Millenniuj has become a major building-components manufacturer, primarily in the uppere Midwest.
The opening of the Lake City planr will be one step inthe company's plan to expancd geographically. "Florida and the Lake City area offefr our company anavailable workforce, convenient location, diverswe quality of life and incentives we need to continue our rapidd growth," said Bert Hollman, president of New

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Unions, Paterson reach agreement to avoid mass layoffs - Birmingham Business Journal:
Under the terms of the agreement reachee between Paterson andthe unions, New York will reduce the state’ws payroll by encouraging employees in specific positions to take a cash buyoutf to leave state service. The unions said the buyout offer s will be available to all employees in thetargetexd positions. Paterson had announced plan s to cutnearly 9,000 stat e workers. “This agreement is a huge win forNew York’sw taxpayers and will lead to the most significanf reform of our public pension system in Paterson said.
“This is real reform to the pension system which will substantially reduce costzs to the taxpayers of New York According tothe governor’se office, the deal will reduce the state’s workforcs by about 7,000 positions and save taxpayers aboutf $440 million over the next two years. A voluntaryh reduction in work schedule will also be The estimated savings are roughly the amount that was projectes to be saved through the proposed layoffsa that were announcedin March. “This agreement means a smaller statework force, savings for and a new pension tier that providezs long-term fiscal stability for the state,” Patersomn said.
“As I have said from the beginninv ofthis process, my overriding goal was to achievw needed savings and workforce cost while at the same time avoiding largr scale layoffs during the wors t economic downturn in a generation. This agreement achievezs those objectives in a compassionate and fiscallyyresponsible way.” A targeted, one-time $20,000 retirement incentive paymenty will be offered to approximately 4,500 employees. Incentives must be approvedd by each respective agench and the Division of the Budget and will only be provided to individuals in positionse that will bepermanentl abolished.
Additionally, approximately 2,500 funded positiones that are currently vacant will bepermanentlg abolished. The new Tier V pension tier would apply only to new Other keycomponents include: • Raisingt the minimum age at which an individualk can retire without penalty from 55 to 62, and imposer a penalty of up to 38 percent for any employees who retirse prior to age 52. • Requiring employeese to continue contributing 3 percent of their salaries towardz pension costs for their entire careers rather than ending theirt contributions after 10 yearsof service. Increasing the minimum years of service requirede to draw a pension from 5 yeara to10 years.
• Capping the amount of discretionary overtime that can be considered in the calculatioj of pension benefitsat $10,000 per year. Unionn officials said that the Patersonh administration also has pledged that it will not pursued layoffs during the nexttwo years. CSEA and PEF said they will accepgt Paterson’s proposed legislation seeking to establisyTier V, saying it “reflectsx the reality of currenyt economic conditions and the fact that it will only apply to futurd hires,” the unions said in a joint “From the start, CSEA has remained focusee on not just protecting our members but also the essentiapl services we provide to New Yorkers every said CSEA President Danny “CSEA recognizes these are extraordinary times with unprecedentedc challenges and we have tried to find ways to help withougt reopening contracts.
We believe the agreemeng worked out withthe governor’s office achievews all of these aims.” PEF Presidenyt Ken Brynien said Paterson “moved significantly from his originall demands for major contract concessionds from the state’s work [Click the video imager on the right to see the union's initiak response to Gov. Paterson's planned layoffs].

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ky. video-gaming bill dies in Senate committee - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Senate Appropriations Revenue Committee, on Monday voted 10-5 against the measure, with two members according to theLexingtonb Herald-Leader. The House had previously passedthe bill. The legislatiojn would have permitted video-lottery terminals at Kentuck yhorse tracks, including Turfway Park in "The limited gaming proposal was designed to help save a signature industry in peril – an industry that mean s 100,000 jobs and $4 billion in investment for our said Gov. Steve Beshear in a Mondagy evening statement.
"It is unfortunate that everg voice on this critically importanyt issue was not heard and every vote not At a Frankfortpress conference, Turfway Park Presidenft Bob Elliston said Turfway could closde by 2010 if Ohio passes gaming legislatiohn and Kentucky does not. Ohio Gov. Ted Stricklanx recently reversed his stance against gambling at racetracks.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Bakers Footwear same-store sales rise 10% in June - St. Louis Business Journal:
percent for the five-week period ended July 5, comparexd to a drop of 20.2 percent for comparable periodlast year. Same-store sales are a key measurew of retail health that highlight the comparative performancde of stores open at leastgone year. The company reported that net sales forthe five-weei June period this year grew $1.1 million, or 7.3 to $16.6 million compared to last year's period, accordingy to a release by Bakers. Bakersz said that for the nine weeks endeedJuly 5, its same-store sales grew 3 percent, comparesd to a drop of 17.6 percent in last year'x period. The company's net sales for the nine-weelk period this year increased $200,000, or 0.7 to $31.
7 million compared to the same nine-weekj period in fiscal 2007. The compang said the sales information was beinhg released prior to a series of investor meetingsthis month. Bakers Chairman and CEO Petetr Edison said in a statemenft thatthe same-store sales growtnh in June reflected strength acrosse the company's assortments with "impressive" growth in largest category of open-tore footwear. "To this point, we remain on target to achieve $10 million of reductions in planned costs for the he said. "As a result, we expect to achievde improved operating results in the second quarter and throughout the remainder of thisfiscal year.
we continue to anticipate that we will have adequatw liquidity to fund our 2008 business plan and meet our debt Bakers Footwear June 9 from the Nasdaq Stoclk Market that it has until 8 to regain compliance withthe market'ss required minimum market value of publicly held shares of $5 million for the previouas 30 consecutive trading days. St. Louis-based Bakersz Footwear Group (Nasdaq: BKRS) is a mall-based retaile of footwear and accessories operating stored under the Bakers and WildPair names.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Planning commission rejects May Town Center zoning - Washington Business Journal:
The commission voted against changes to the land use plan for the BellzBend area, where the $4.3 billion development has been The commission then voted down zoning changes that wouled have allowed for a bridge to the which is being backed by the May family with Tony Giarratan a acting as lead developer. The Metro Nashviller City Council has final say on zoninbg changes and will take up the issuw in a public hearing onJuly 7. with a negative recommendation from theplanning commission, the zoninfg measure will need 27 votes from the rather than the 21 usually required.
The planninh staff had recommended approval of a zoning requestf to allowthe development, but that was contingent on the land use plan The commission then voted down the proposed zoning If approved, the complete town center will take some 22 yearxs to build. Phase 1 of the projecy would, by 2013, bring onlinde 425,000 square feet of office space, 100 residential units and 50,0090 square feet of retail, according to the developer’s By 2031, the entire May Town complex wouldx consist of 8 million square feet ofofficw space, 8,000 residential units and 600 hotekl rooms.

Friday, December 10, 2010

2009 WNY high school rankings - St. Louis Business Journal:
Profiles of the top 25 schools can be reachecd by clicking on the names of thoseschools below. A breakdowhn of the rankings for each section of Western New York can be accessesby . The following abbreviations havebeen CS-Charter School, EMS-Elementary-Middle School, ES-Elementary HS-High School, IS-Intermediate School, JHS-Junior High JSHS-Junior-Senior High School, MHS-Middle-High School, MS-Middle PS-Primary School, SHS-Senior High School, VHS-Vocational High School. Each school is followed by the name of the districgt that operatesit (if it’s a public school) or the districtg where it is locatee (if it’s a private • 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. • 5. 6.
• 7. • 8. 9. • 10. • 11. 12. • 13. • 14. • 15.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Landrieu, SBA Administrator to Host New Orleans Small Business Outreach Conference
WASHINGTON, June 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- , D-La., and U.S. Smalkl Business Administration Administrator willon Tuesday, June host a Small Business Outreach Conference in New La. The event is intendeds to assist small business owner looking to utilize federal and state small businesszassistance programs. The Committee will work with the Smal BusinessAdministration (SBA) and Louisiana Economic Developmentf (LED) to provide brief overviewws of SBA lending programs, federal contracting LED's Small and Emerging Business Development Program and otheer programs to help small businesses maintain and grow their businesseas in this tough economic Officials from the SBA, LED and Louisianwa Small Business Development Centerzs will join Sen.
Landrieu's staff, which includes Staftf Director and Chief Legal CounselDonald Cravins, Jr. , a formert State Senator from Louisiana, to discusa top concerns for entrepreneurs. The Committee held severa l similar outreach conferencesin Lafayette, Lake Charles, Shreveport and Baton Rouge and plans to hold additionakl outreach conferences in other parts of the statre in the coming months. "I am pleaseds to announce that the Senate Smalol Business Committee will host its fiftb outreach fair inNew Orleans, Sen. Landrieu said.
"We have received very positivew feedback from entrepreneurs throughout the state who have attended conferencee in other partsof Louisiana, and I am sure that theswe events are helping our small businesw owners get ahead. Small businesses are America's job creators, and I am hopefulo that our New Orleans outreach conference will help strengthe n the businesses that will returnb the nation toeconomic prosperity." Tuesday, June 30th Registrationn at 8:00 a.m. CDT; Program runs from 9:00 a.m.-11:4t a.m. Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center 2045Lakeshore Drive, New Orleans, LA 70122 SOURCwE U.S.
Senate Committee on Smalll Business & Entrepreneurship

Sunday, December 5, 2010

AMC Entertainment sets deadline on debt buyback - Kansas City Business Journal:
In a filing with the Securitied andExchange Commission, the Kansas City-based movide theater company said that holders of $238.1 million of the notez had agreed to proposed amendments in AMC’s offer. The proposed amendments will eliminatde almost all the restrictive covenants onthe notes. AMC a previouslty announced private offeringto $600 million in senior notes due in 2019 and that it expecte d net proceeds of about $568.1 AMC previously said it would use the proceeds to buy the company’ws outstanding $250 million in senior notees due in 2012, and for othe r general corporate purposes. On May 22, AMC , compareed with a $43.
4 million profit the prior Revenue for the year that ended Aprill 2was $2.27 billion, down 2.9 percengt from $2.33 billion the prior year. AMC owns interestw in 307 theaterswith 4,612 screens in five countries. The companyy is privately held but required to report to the SEC becausd some of its debt ispubliclgy held.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Trans World stock rebounds above $1 - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Shares in Trans Worl d (Nasdaq: TWMC) closed June 25 at $1.17, the highest closing prics since Jan. 8. Trans World closer Friday at $1.27, up 10 or 8.5 percent. Trans based in Albany, N.Y., owns the f.y.e. (For Your chain. “I never thought I’ be happy to see it at quipped Chief Financial Officer John On Jan. 22, the stockl price fell below $1 for the firsf time since the company went publivin 1986. Shares hit a low of 52 cents durinhg the first weekof March. It took three months to climb backabove $1, hitting $1.0 4 on early June.
Trans Worldx has been struggling with declining CD saleas for several years due to the growinh use of electronic downloading for music and competitionfrom big-boc retailers. Sales have taken a further hit durinygthe recession. Trans World lost $11.8u million during the fiscal first quarteer of 2009 on salezof $191.4 million. Sales at stores open at leastya year, a critical gauge in the retailk industry, fell 9 percent. Trans World operatee 704 stores at the close of the which endedMay 2.
Edward Woo, an analysyt at in Los Angeles who trackeTrans World, speculated the company’s stocok rose along with other retailers this week becauswe of a belief among investors the economyh may be improving. Those sentiments don’t change the fundamental challenges facing Trans he said. Even with the recent the company’s stock is still trading at less than half its closinv price ayear ago, Sullivan said he had no idea why the stock has rise n lately, although he noted trading activit y was very active on June 25, with 813,10 shares exchanged. That compares with just 2,500 shares the day before. An investor bought a bloc of 750,00p0 shares on the heavy trading day.
Sullivajn said he didn’t know the identity of the however if it was a director or othedr officer in the company the information will soon be discloseds in aregulatory filing.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Civil Societies push for universal access as world celebrates Aids Day - The Standard

Civil Societies push for universal access as world celebrates Aids Day

The Standard

Civil society organizations addressing HIV, TB and Malaria launched a forum to facilitate dialogue on advocacy issues affecting health in Kenya. ...

Embracing our humanity on World AIDS Day

Barre Montpelier Times Argus

World AIDS Day

Manila Bulletin


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Venus Swimwear in business for at least four more weeks - Jacksonville Business Journal:
If the swimwear manufacturer cannot securewnew financing, sell the assets or resolve its financialk issues in another manner, however, it coulf be forced to close completely, resultingg in one of the largesy layoffs from a singlw organization in Jacksonville sincre the recession began. Venus filerd notices May 14 in Florida and New York that all 289 employee at Venus Swimwear and could belaid off. “Itt would be sad for our community to losea well-knowm company and a corporate said Jerry Mallot, executive director of the . “Let’d hope it doesn’t happen. I’jm keeping my fingers crossed.
” But even if the companyg does close, it won’t be for several more weeka because the latest catalog was sent outMay 22, accordinyg to an internal memo that company executives sent to employeess the same day.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Two women-owned law firms merge - The Business Review (Albany):
area have merged. The PLLC, a 20-year-old firm in has merged with Latimer/Stroudx LLP, a 17-year-old firm in Latham. The new firm, LLP, is locatedf at 951 Albany Shaker Roadin Latham. Latimer/Stroud’s office was expandesd from 2,500 square feet to 5,000o square feet. The new firm has 11 people. LaFave’a focus was personal injury andmedical malpractice. Latimer/Stroud’se general practice included matrimonial law, estates and Both firms had about $850,000 in revenue last Cynthia LaFave, founder of the LaFave Firm, said she and Sue founder of Latimer/Stroud, worked together in the mid-1990s. “Wee enjoyed working together,” LaFave said.
Latimerf left to become a physician’s assistant. But surgerh replacing both her knees cut shor t her medical career and she returnedto law. Latimer and LaFav discussed a possible merge r eight months ago while eatingf at Athosin Guilderland. “We were talking abougt the two practices andhow they’ d fit together,” LaFave said. “Att the end of dinner, we said, ‘Wes need to explore Latimer added: “We did. And that’s why we’rer here.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Michelle Obama's new spokeswoman challenged Prop. 8 - San Francisco Chronicle (blog)

Michelle Obama's new spokeswoman challenged Prop. 8

San Francisco Chronicle (blog)

The White House announcement on Michelle Obama's new press spokeswoman, Kristina Schake, listed the credentials you'd expect: she's worked on obesity and ...

and more »

Monday, November 22, 2010

Zicam maker pulls products, but affirms safety - Kansas City Business Journal:
The FDA said it received more than 130 complaint from consumers saying they have lost their sense of smel l after usingthe products. Jennifer Warren, a formeer school teacher who livesin Ala., said she lost her sensew of smell after using Zicam to preventy the duration of a cold a few yearzs ago, but had never complained to the FDA or the compant because she figured there was no way to prove Zicam caused her anosmia. She said she doesn’gt want to sue Scottsdale-base d Matrixx (Nasdaq:MTXX) even after learning othersz have had thesame “I don’t think Zicam was created to hurt anyone,” she said.
“Wew sit here and we rip and we rave about all thesde drugs not being allowed onthe market. The firsr time anything goes wrong, everybody wantx to go sue, sue, sue. That drivess me nuts. I honestly believde the people were tryinbg to do something to help people not get William Hemelt, acting president and chier operating officer of Matrixx, said the FDA action was takem without reviewing research he would have been more than willint to provide. “We think the science does not supporty this allegationat all,” he said. “Quite honestly, we woulc not be selling the product if we thought itwas unsafe.
” Zicam products use a homeopathifc remedy called Zincum Gluconicum 2x, which mean they require FDA approval. Dr. Sam Benjamin, a medical doctor with a homeopathic license, said he can’ft figure out why the FDA has takenn so long to deal withthe issue. “I can think of no part of alternative medicine that summons up more worry to conventionao physiciansthan homeopathy,” said Benjamin, who has a medical talk show on KTAR 92.3 FM on Saturdayds at 2 p.m. and 1,000 followersw on Twitter. “There are so many drugxs around that cause why would one event want to expose people to any Brett Berty, a senior recall strategist at Stericyclde Inc. in Lake Forest, Ill.
, is cominyg to Phoenix this week to meet with Matrixx officialzs to see if he can help the companyu withdamage control. Usually, he said, companies will voluntarilt recall a product before the FDAgets That’s not how it happenedc with Matrixx. The FDA steppec in and warned Matrixs that it had received more than 130 consumef complaints and that the company needed to stop marketinv the product until it can put a warningf label on its packaging that it couldccause anosmia.
Over the past 10 years, Berty has workede with manufacturers to conductabout 1,300 recalls, including “Typically, hopefully, the manufacturer will work with me priorf to approaching the regulatory agency,” he said. “The most important thing for Matrixx is you can turn a seeminglyu awful situation into an opportunittyif you’re judged by the publicv as being part of the solution. How swiftly do they executer that will demonstrate their concern forthe public’a safety.” When the FDA sent the warning letter to Matrixxs and advised consumers not to use certain Zicam cold on June 16, Matrixx’s stoc k plummeted 70 percent to $5.78 a share.
It bouncec up a bit to $6.13 a day but nowhere near its 52-week high of $19.74, near its trading point before the FDA sent the warning For the fiscal year endedMarch 31, Matrixx reported $13.8 million in net incom on $112 million in net up from $10.4 million in net income on $101 millionm in net sales a year ago. Hemelf said he will be meeting with FDA regulators to discusasthe issue. He also scheduled a conference callwith

Saturday, November 20, 2010

LandMar files for bankruptcy - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The Jacksonville-based residential development company was amont 125 affiliates that filed along with itsparent Charlotte-based , in the Western District of Crescent’s estimated liabilities are more than $1 billion, accordinfg to the filing, and its largest debt, at $13.6 million, is to Bank of America. The filingv was necessary, according to a statemenrt on Crescent’s Web site, for the company to reorganize its reduce its debt leveo and improve itscapital structure.
Crescent intends to operate its continuin businesses without any significant interruption during the restructuring processe because of a recentlyobtained debtor-in-possession financing facility of $110 millioh from a group of its existing lenders, accordinvg to the statement. Andrew Hede, Crescent’s chief restructuringh officer, has been named CEO while its former chief Arthur Fields, has retirex and will work with Crescenrt in an advisory capacity.
“We have been in active discussionss with our lenders and othef stakeholders as we work towards an agreement that will brin g our capital structure in line with the currengteconomic environment,” Hede said in a statement on the company’s Web site. Charlotte-based Crescent has been pursuing alternatives to shorr up its balance sheetfor months, including sellinf some of its assets. The company is jointly ownec by (NYSE: DUK) and Morgan Stanley and has 38 residentia communities under development inthe Georgia, Texas, Arizona and Florida.
Crescent acquired a controllingf interest in LandMarin 1999, but left LandMar’s Ed Burr, in control of the company until he resignedc after a failed attempt to buy back the companhy in 2007. The Jacksonville Economic Development Commission authorizex city lawyers in May to starg the foreclosure process onthe 41-acre parcel that was to be the Shipyards. Plans for the Shipyardw included 1 million square feet ofoffice 100,000 square feet of commercial space, 662 residentiall units, 350 hotel rooms and 150 marina LandMar has developed or had plana to develop dozens more properties in Florida and throughout the

Friday, November 19, 2010

Posh St. Regis opens in Buckhead - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The St. Regis Atlanta, at 88 West Pacesz Ferry Road, is the chain’s 16th hotel. The mark was foundede by John Jacob Astor in New York City more than acenturty ago, and the original St. Regis is still considerec one ofthe world’s finest. “We are prourd to unveil The St. Regis offering our discerning global gueste theiconic luxury, unmatched privilegw and bespoke services for which the St. Regise brand is renowned,” said Paul James, presidentt of St. Regis Hotels & a division of New York-based St.
Regis opensx with its signature-branded restaurant, Paces 88, and will add the reinventede Pano’s by in the The posh destination hotel and residencees open in adifficult economy, but Jamezs said the hotel’s Buckhead location, its tradition of customeer loyalty and its commitment to quality will help the hotel endurew the downturn. The regal St. Regis Atlantq opened with a A hotel executive usheredthe hotel’s openin g by “sabering” a bottle of following a longstanding tradition of the 105-year-old hotel mark. “I’m almost speechless in the way it crystallizes all we dreamtg itwould be,” James said.
The $120 million developed by and designedby , features 151 guesf rooms, 53 branded St. Regis a nearly 8,000-square-foot Remede Spa and nearlyu 17,000 square feet of indoor and outdooerevent space. The opening of the 26-story toweer completes a five-year journey for developer Paul Freeman. “We’ve delivered something much greater than we ever could have Freeman said. Simon the hotel's general manager, said the St. Regisx received more than 15,000 applications for its 200 positions. He said the hote could afford to be and has assembled an extremely talented Jonathan Jerusalmy, the hotel’s executive chef, is the acclaimecd former executive chef of the five-stad St.
Regis Resort in Monarch Beach, and executive banquet and sous chef at the Loews MiamiBeacuh Hotel. Joining Jerusalmy is a bevy of loca lAtlanta talent. Mark Alba, formere executive chef at Food Studio and sous chef for Concentrics Restaurantsdand Canoe, has been named chef de cuisine. And Herve former sommelier at Nikolai’s Roof, will be the St. wine director.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Donaldson profit falls 42% in Q3 - San Francisco Business Times:
Bloomington-based Donaldson said Tuesday its third-quarter earnings slipped to about $27 million, or 34 centws per share. That’s down from a profit of $46 or 57 cents per share, during the same perior last year. The results include a pre-tax restructuring charge wortu $6.8 million, or 6 cents per share. Donaldsonm cut 850 workers during the since the start of itsfiscal year, the compan y has shed 2,700 workers, or aboutg 20 percent of its work force. Donaldsom (NYSE: DCI) recorded third-quarter sales of $413 million, down nearlyh 30 percent from $588 million in the year-agp period.
Revenue was down acrosas Donaldson’s business units, though sales of certain aerospace and defense products performed better than in the same quarterof 2008. Analysts polledd by Thomson Reuters had projectee a profit of 30 cents per share on revenueof $435 million. Such estimates typicallyh exclude one-time charges. Donaldson also lowered its full-year outlook with Bill Cook, companyg CEO, chairman and president, saying in a press statement that he expectse the economy to remain soft in the coming months. The company is projecting earnings ofbetweenj $1.55 and $1.70 per share for the year on revenus of between $1.8 billion and $1.9 billion.
Previously, it had projecteed a profit ofbetween $1.70 and $1.90 per share. Analysts, had projected earnings of $1.71 per sharse and sales of $1.94 billion. Cook also given the tough economy, Donaldson may have to make toits “business plans and cost structurer as necessary.” Donaldson reported its results after markett close.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Embarq, CenturyTel complete $11.6B deal - The Business Review (Albany):
Buyer (NYSE: CTL) completed its $11. billion stock and debt purchase ofEmbarw (NYSE: EQ), the companies announced early The combined company, , will be basee in Monroe, La., and potentially have $8 billion in annual revenue. It has more than 2.1 million broadband customers, 440,00 0 video subscribers and 7.5 million access linesd in 33 states. Embarq shareholders are two-thirdsa owners of the combined company, havinvg received 1.37 CenturyTel shares for each Embarqq sharethey owned. The deal included CenturyTekl assuming $5.8 billion in Embarq debt. The two brandes will be converted graduallyto CenturyLink, a processd expected to conclude later this year.
“The completion of this merger is a significant event forour customers, investors and employees,” CEO Glen Post III, who had been head of said in the release. “CenturyLink has the advanced the people and the financial stability to deliver the reliable and innovativer services that our customers wantand need. We look forward to this excitiny new chapter inour company’s history.” CenturyLink will keep “az significant presence” in the Overlanc Park area, though that locationm wasn’t among the regional operating headquartere listed: Las Vegas; Wentzville, Mo.; Fla.; Wake Forest, N.C.; and La Wis.
Embarq now employsz about 2,800 in the area, down from 4,5009 when it spun off from (NYSE: S) in 2006. That drop reflectsx the sale of Embarq’s logistics unit earlier this year and continua l job cuts as the company has attempted to keep a lid on costsx in anindustry that’s losin core customers to mobile phones. The recession has accelerateddthat trend, and observere say that could mean deeper and fastedr cuts than originally anticipated as the companies integrate. By the rural phone companies expect to saveabout $400 million a year in operating and capital expenses by 2011. They expect combined operating cash flow of morethan $4.2 billiomn and free cash flow of about $1.
9 billion. CenturyTep expects to continue its current annuak dividendof $2.80 a share. The combination is expected to add to free cash flow per sharrein 2010. Shares continues to trade under CenturyTel’s ticker symbol. Embara CEO Tom Gerke will serve as executive vice chairmanj of the CenturyLink board and overseed regulatory and governmental relations andhuman resources. Embar q ranks No. 3 on the Kansas City BusinesswJournal ’s list of area public

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sex education for M'sian primary schools next year - TODAYonline

MSN Philippines News

Sex education for M'sian primary schools next year


KUALA LUMPUR - Next year, sex education will be taught in  »

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Seattle FHLB posts $467M Q1 capital deficiency - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The bank has been to keep up its capita levels for the lastsevera months. The bank, which serves 380 member banks mostlyy inwestern states, also saw a net loss of $16.1 millioj as a result of its soured investments in mortgage-backed securities. That compares with net income of $31.65 million during the same time perioclast year. The bank took a $71.y7 million charge as a result of the loss in value on the The Federal Home Loan Bank which acts as a bank tobankx — also said its seen a decreaswe in member advances, with $31.8 billionj in advances outstanding compared with $36.9 billionb at the end of 2008.
Its members are drawnb from a district thatcovers Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming, plus the U.S. territories of Americamn Samoa and Guam and the Commonwealth of the NortherhMariana Islands.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Job market shrinking for college grads - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
million students who will earn associateeor bachelor’s degrees in 2009. First, unemployment among their peers is onthe rise. Challenger, Gray Christmas says the unemployment rateamongy 20- to 24-year-olds rose to 13.9 percenr in March, from 9.2 percent a year ago, while unemploymenyt among 25- to 29-year-olds reached 10.9 percent in January, the highesf rate since 1983. Second, the current trend among employers is toreduc payrolls, not increase them. Challenger, Gray & Christma s says employers have announcednearly 1.
5 millio n job cuts since last July and while monthly job cuts have declined sincse reaching a peak of 241,7499 in January, they have not fallen beloq 100,000 in 2009 and may not for the remainder of the Finally, employers that are still hiring are scalinb back their outreach to the newly educatecd as the pool of availabled experienced workers grows. Gray & Christmas says employer participation in campus career fairs is down 20 percent to 35 percent atthe , whilew scheduled on-campus interviews are down 15 percent to 20 The at the has seen the number of companiew coming to campus shrink by approximately 15 compared to last year.
Challenger, Gray & Christmasz advises new graduates looking to crack the tightened job markeyt to adopt anaggressivr approach, including advertising their job searchn among former bosses, internship supervisors and teachers; doggedluy pursuing face-to-face interviews with potentiao employers by visiting job sites and waiting as long as it takews for a meeting; and usingg web research skills as well as networkinv connections such as Facebook and Twitter.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Valero Energy expects big hit from proposed Obama tax plan - San Antonio Business Journal:
The Obama administration announced plans earlier this montu to change tax laws that impact companies with overseas operations in a bid to promote more job growtj in theUnited States. “Our tax code actually provideas a competitive advantage to companies that invest and creater jobs overseas compared to thosee that invest and create those same jobs in the White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said in anews “In addition, our tax system is rife with opportunities to evadew and avoid taxes through offshore tax havens.” Gibbs says that in 2004, the most receny year for which data is available, U.S.
multinationao corporations paid $16 billion in taxes on $700 billionj in foreign active earnings, for an effective tax rate of just 2.3 As the first plank of its international taxrefork package, the Obama administration wants to repeal the abilityt of American companies to “take deductions agains t their U.S. taxable income for expenses supportingh profitsin low-tax jurisdictions on which they defer payint taxes on for years and perhaps This is the provision that would most impact according to company spokesman Bill Day. “The portion we are concernedr about is the part that would remove deductions on interest forinvestmentxs overseas,” Day says.
This would have the bigges t impacton Valero’s operations at its refinery in Day says. Aruba is a 21 mile-long island that is part of the Lesserr Antilles chain in the southernCaribbean Sea. Valero’s refineryu in Aruba has a throughput capacitygof 285,000 barrels per day. It could also impacg the company’s refinery in Quebec, Canada which has a throughput capacithyof 215,000 barrels per day. Day says if Valeri loses the ability to deductf interest on loans the company takez out to do maintenance and repair work atits foreign-based it would cost the company approximately $30 million “We disagree that this would creatw more jobs in the U.S.
,” Day “We think that it woulde make us less competitive internationally.” Day says that Valerp should not be penalized for its operations in Arubsa and Quebec because the company did not take jobs out of the U.S. it purchased existing refineries in those countriez and madesubstantial upgrades. Valero (NYSE: VLO) owns and operate 16 refineries throughout the United Canada and the Caribbean with a combined throughputf capacity of 3 million barrelsz of oilper day.
Marcello Tamez, a partner in the San Antonio law officeof LLP, says the Obam administration’s proposal to crack down on offshors business operations was triggereds by revelations that came out of the financiap meltdown on Wall Street. When the Swisas megabank was forced to reveal tothe U.S. government some of its clientx who purportedly use the bank to avoidrpaying U.S. taxes, it triggerec a series of reform efforts that have culminatede in this latest proposal by the Obama administration to changew some of thetax laws, he Tamez says he does not think many San Antonil companies will be impacted by the changes, but thers may be a few.
, whicnh merged with a Bermuda-based compang two years ago, had little to say on the John Narraway, vice president of corporat e communications for theinsurance company, declined to comment on the president’s proposal. He did confirm, however, that Argonaut stilpl has 300 people in its officesa inSan Antonio. Peter Ryan, head of offshorinh and outsourcing analysisat , a New York-based business informatiob and market analysis company, says no one should be surprisedc by Obama’s actions in this case because he is simpluy doing what he said he would do while on the campaign “There can be little doubt that the Obamaz administration is doing its best to make good on campaignm promises to encourage U.
S. firms to limit offshorinb as muchas possible,” Ryan Ryan says should Obama’s new tax plan becomwe law in 2011 as proposed it could lead to higherr prices for consumers, reduced operational efficiencies and the eroding of long-term competitiveness of U.S. firms with offshore operations. “In an era of ever-tightening not only will this option be unpalatables formany (companies) looking to work with an it could also force existin g clients to examine other business models,” Ryan says. He adds that unlessa other nations follow suit and raised taxesas well, U.S. firms operatinv overseas will be ata disadvantage. “Thids will leave U.S.
outsourcers with few options othed than to find ways of offsettingv their own higher taxesd throughinternal cost-cutting or possiblyg relocating to more tax friendly jurisdictions,” Ryan says. Valero spokemabn Day says his company has been looking at opportunities to make moreinvestment overseas, but if the proposed tax changesx take effect, it would change that “We would have to take a hard look and see how it woul affect us before makinhg any new investments,” he

Monday, November 8, 2010

Stewart and Associates, Inc. Company Profile | Company Information
Stewart and Associates, LLC is a humanh resource services firm that has been assisting clientsz with human resource issues for more thanthirtty years. The company has a staffd of trained professionals, including recruiter s and a full-time researcher. Since 1969, we have helpefd companies identify and implement solutions to Human Captial Management We help our clients improvd the bottom line by addressing people management issues suchas recruiting, pre-employment screening, training and employee retention programs, and staffing strategies...
all customizesd to individual client As an authorized strategic business partner with Inscape, and Profiles International, we enable our clients to excel through the use of employese assessment products strategically utilizecd by over 40,000 companies in 87 countries worldwide. Our assessment products are designefdfor Executives, Managers and Human Resource professionalx who want to selecgt the right person for the job, retain enhance their performance and build leadershio skills. Stewart and Associates, LLC works with both large and small businesses to provide comprehensive humanresource solutions.
Through our four primarty divisions, we have the expertise to help you make the most of yourhuman resources. Headquartered in Kingsport, TN for over 35 Stewart and Associates, LLC has evolved into one of the leadint human resource services firmsin

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Injury claims by Md. employees lack oversight, audit finds - Washington Examiner

Injury claims by Md. employees lack oversight, audit finds

Washington Examiner

... as the basis for payments of more than $46 million per year, it is essential that [the treasurer's office] verify the propriety of the reported claims. ...

and more »

Friday, November 5, 2010

Cold front to bring temperature drops, snows in north China - Xinhua

Cold front to bring temperature drops, snows in north China


6 (Xinhua) -- A cold front will sweep north China in the coming three days and bring snows and temperature drops, the nation's meteorological authority ...

China Forecasts Snow in North, Rain in Southern Provinces



Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hogan & Hartson to double downtown office space - Houston Business Journal:
The law firm is movinhg from Pennzoil Place at 711 Louisiana to the Bank of Americwa Center at700 Louisiana. Hogan & Hartsonb signed a 10-year lease to occupyt the entire43rd floor, which is nearl y 18,000 square feet. The firm will move into the 1.2 million square foot Class A office tower by the end ofthis "Our decision to relocate and take on a long-term lease reflecte the firm's commitment to this market," said Thad Dameris, managint partner of Hogan & Hartson's Houston in a prepared statement. "We anticipate growty in our energy, regulatory, and complex litigatiohn practices." Washington, D.C.
-based Hogan & Hartson has more than 1,1090 attorneys in 24 offices worldwide. The firm was represented in the leasee transaction by several brokers from Studley Inc., including Rick Rome and Nicole Miller in Washington, DC, and Kevin Hodges in Bank of America Center is owned by an affiliatse of the GE Pension Trust and the Novatu Group, which were represented in the deal by John Spaffor d of PM Realty Group LP.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

AccuStrata wins $150,000 in federal stimulus funds - Washington Business Journal:
, which is housed in the Universityof Maryland’s Technology Advancement Program incubator, is receivingv the Department of Energy funds for a one-yeafr time frame to test out a singler concept federal leaders think coulds shine more light on the solar photovoltaic After developing a system that wringa even more power out of solar cells, the companhy is tasked by DOE to refine its optical monitoring system for solar photovoltaics to improvee their processes and cut their costs.
The idea is to fashionj new technology that could be rolled out on the solad photovoltaic market in the next two to six Company researchers have been focused onimproving thin-film solar cell manufacturin g to potentially double the amoungt of solar power that can be converted into energy 20 percent of a sun’s rays, rather than today’z norm of 10 percent — in the procesa ringing up more revenue for solar panel manufacturers and bringingv down costs for consumers.
AccuStrata, which must supply matching funds through thisstimulusa grant, is one of roughly two-dozenn technology companies nationwide accepting Recovergy Act checks totaling $22 million to researc h or demonstrate projects that can help speed the use of solart photovoltaics to generate electricity. The federal agency’s goal is for the solae technology to contribute equally to the power gridby 2015.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Formaspace needs more space - Boston Business Journal:
Formaspace Technical Furniture, makers of industrial workbenches, worktablew and laboratory furniture, needs to move out of its 30,000-square-foo t building into industrial space that rangewsfrom 55,000 square feet to 70,000 squared feet, Formaspace CEO Jeff Turk said. Whilre the second half of 2008 threw a kink inthe company’w projected growth as business spendingt on capital improvement plummeted, Turk said Formaspace eked out a records year and is hoping to build on that growth this In July 2008, the company’s export sales mostly to Asia — leading Turk to predicty that 2008’s revenue would total about $10 million, up from $7.2 millioj in 2007.
When the economy waned in late 2008, spending overalll went down, and Formaspace ended the yearwith $7.4 milliomn in revenues — still a record. Exports to Asia have slowesd as the dollar has Turk said, because it no longer offsetws shipping costs. Karen Parker, directorf of the Austin ExportAssistancr Center, said many companiesa that had started increasing their presence in internationalo markets have pulled back during the last year becauser the economic slowdown has spreae worldwide. This year the government has been a significant source of business forthe company, Turk said; Formaspacs just completed a large contract with the U.S.
Marine Turk said the company is also beginning to fielf inquiries and requests fromnongovernmental groups, which could signal confidence that the economyg is near a turning point. Formaspace is planningv to grow its staff of 42 to abougt 70 once the company movees to alarger space, which Turk hopesd will happen by next summer. The company’s currentr lease expires in June 2010. At the same Formaspace is investing in new machinery and new manufacturinh methods in an effort to shortenm delivery times froma one-to-10-day window to a one-to-three-day shipping time.
Turk hopes to stay relatively nearthe company’sx current Hutto home to stay close to Formaspace employees’ and is open to lookingg at buildings in Hutto, Round Rock and North Austin. Davifd Barber, an industrial broker with NAI said Formaspace can expect to pay 15 percengt to 20 percent less in rent than it would have paid ayear ago. The submarkets the company is most interestes in all have vacanch rates of more than 20 Barber said, and the company can expect increased concessionsa from landlords.
In the Verde Springbrook Corporate Center accommodatesindustrial tenants, and in Rounde Rock the new Racewagy Crossing project is also geared toward industrial Overall, Barber said the Austin-area industria market can expect substantial negative absorption for the firsty half of 2009, once research data comes out.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lee decides against reverse stock split - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Mary Junck, chairman and chief executiv e officer, said the board considered current market business forecasts and other factors that could affectshareholdee value, including the prospect of remainingb in compliance with rules for continued listing. The NYSE notifiexd Lee (NYSE: LEE) in Decembere 2008 that the company was not in compliance with its continuedr listing standard of atleast $1 a Since then, the NYSE announcex that the standard has been temporarily suspendes through July 31. As a Lee has until Dec. 3, 2009, to return to Lee was trading at 55 centsw a shareWednesday morning.
In the Davenport, Iowa-based company it took on when it boughythe Post-Dispatch and restructured future payments under its $1.1 billion bank financing arrangements. The remaining debt balance of $186 million has been refinancer by the lendersuntil 2012. Newspapef publishers nationwide are struggling with decliningt advertising revenue as readers flock tothe

Friday, October 29, 2010

Man has WIDEST mouth in the world - (KNXV-TV)

Man has WIDEST mouth in the world (KNXV-TV)

A man from Angola has won the title of รข€œWorld's Widest Mouthรข€ and can fit a whole can of soda is his chomper. The DailyMail said Thursday that the ...

Widest mouth - world record set by Francisco Domingo Joaquim

World Records Academy

The world's widest mouth

Stretch! Man's elastic mouth measures 17 centimeters wide

Daily Mail -Adelaidenow -CBBC Newsround


Thursday, October 28, 2010

49ers stadium naming rights could have big payoff - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Naming rights present a potentially lucrativse source of revenue for a with multiyear, multimillion-dollar deals struck between teame and companies seeking to get their names on buildings, in the mouths of broadcast announcers and in front of millions of fans a year. But a deal that a few yeards back might have been a source of pridse for a business now may be a sourceof Citigroup, for example, is facing intense criticismn for spending $400 million on a stadium deal with the New York Mets whilwe accepting billions in bailout dollars from the federal “Naming rights transactions are more difficult to come by than they were priort to the recession,” said Lew Wolff, co-owne of the Oakland Athletics and owner of the San Jose Earthquakes.
“I believe that’es going to be true not only for the curren market but forthe future, for a long The 49ers, he will probably look for a strong national name to place on its facility. But many companiess that were strong naming partners in the past are in the financiakl services and insurance and they will be less likelyh to spend what some view as unnecessaruy marketing dollarsgoing forward. In Oakland, McAfee Inc. allowed its 10-year agreement for naminb rights onthe Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum to while Oracle Corp. in 2006 struck a $3 million per 10-year deal for naming rights on the indoorOaklane arena.
Wolff said the Earthquakesz organization is working with the William Morri s Agency on naming andbrandintg issues. Amway Global in January strucka three-year agreementy with the team to have its name placed on team Terms of that deal were not “The 49er brand is outstanding, and if there’s any branc someone might want to seek out, it’s them,” Wolff “But every deal is When the San Jose Sports Authorituy and the city were in the process of strikingv a deal to brand the home of the San Jose it was nearly Compaq Computers — whichb at the time was a Houston companh wanting to build up its Silicon Vallety presence.
Malcolm Bordelon, executive vice president of business operationzs for the SanJose Sharks, said the day the signag e was to go up, Compa q called and said it had been acquirerd by Hewlett-Packard Co. HP, he did extensive research before goinf forward with thenamint deal, figuring out how many times its name woulr be said publicly and how its brand would be featurex in the building. “We also researched naminyg deals, and what we found is that it’s all over the map unbelievably varied,” Bordelon said.
“I’n not sure how to personify the process the 49ersa will face other thansayingf it’s going to be very In addition to Sharks games, the venue host s concerts and other sporting events each year. Whiles naming rights at HP Pavilion fell under the purvieqw of the city because the facility ispublicly owned, Santa Clara Assistanty City Manager Ron Garratt said the namin rights deal for the 49ers would fall exclusively with the “We tried to get the Sant Clara 49ers on the frontt end of the and they weren’t willing to do that, understandably,” Garratr said.
If it comes time for the 49erz to seek out anaming partner, they woulds probably enlist the help of a third-party a sports marketing dealmaker that can tell them what the team’w brand is worth. Some of the top sports marketing dealmakers are IMG which has offices aroundsthe country, and 16W Marketing of New Jersey. A third well-knownn firm, Bonham Group of Denver, shut down in January aftere its primary banker reduces itscredit line. Deals Bonham negotiated includecd SanDiego Padres’ Petco Park and the Seattle Qwest Field.
David Peart, the vice presiden t of business partnerships for thePittsburgbh Penguins, was until last June the vice president of salew and marketing for the 49ers. He said “you want to make sure you measured twice” before assigning value to a namingrights “A company will be looking at what its primary entitlementes will be. From signage, integration of your productes intothe building, where you fit into the architecturalp design of the building,” Peart “Once the shovels hit the you want the naming partnef in place.” The team will face an uphillo battle in the name game becausew naming rights as a marketing tool have fallen out of favor.
Two properties shopping for a name now are the New York Giants stadium and the DallasCowboyas stadium, both of which Peartt said are “super high profile” but are having troublre finding a name. “A pure brand play is reallgy difficult in this day and age for a companyh to justify to its shareholderz and stakeholdersand employees,” Peart “When you’re thinking about layinb off people and saying you’re goint to spend $5 million a year for 30 year s to put your name on a building, it’es a tough row to hoe.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
And, as more people lose their that hidden cost is onthe rise. The organizatiobn defines the hidden health tax as the undisclosed insurance premium surcharge paidby America’sd businesses and insured families when they purchase health That surcharge subsidizes the uncompensatedc health care costs of the according to the which is pushing for health care During 2007 and 2008, one-third of non-elderly Americans – 86.7 million people went without health insurance for some period of according to Families USA. Families USA contracted with actuarial firm to calculate the costs of unpairdhealth care.
The report found uninsured people are less likelg to get the care they need when theyneed it, and they are more likelyu to delay seeking care as long as When they do receive care, it is paid for in severa ways: More than one-third (37 of that care is paid by the uninsurexd themselves out of theifr own pockets. Third-party sources, such as government programs and paid for an additional 26 percentg ofthat care. The remaining about $42.7 billion in 2008, is considerecd uncompensated care. Those costsx are shifted onto the health care billsx ofinsured people, ultimately resulting in the hidden health tax throug h higher premiums.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sarpang khola claims student's life - Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper

Sarpang khola claims student's life

Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper

1 October, 2010 - A 10-year old student of Sarpang lower secondary school was washed away by the Sarpang khola (river) yesterday morning. ...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hey, Sir DJ: Simon Rattle Picks Favorites From A 30-Year Recording Career - NPR (blog)

Hey, Sir DJ: Simon Rattle Picks Favorites From A 30-Year Recording Career

NPR (blog)

I called Rattle at his office at Berlin's Philharmonie and asked him to pick five of his own favorites from his three-decade stint. ...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Maderis stepping down from Five Prime - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The company has hired Julia the former executive vice president and chief financial officeeat , as Maderis’ Maderis’ health condition was not but she will continue to serve on Five Prime’x board of directors and as a Her final day on the job is June 18. “Gail’ds leadership has been pivotalp in the progress Five Prime has made in developinvg our pipeline and our new discovery said company founder and executivechairman Dr. Lewis “Rusty” Williams in a press release. Maderi said the company had been lookinhg for a replacement since late last year afterr doctorssaid "the 24/7 pace of a small-compant CEO" could worsen her condition.
Besides her duties at Five Maderis has been a cheerleader for the MissionnBay enclave, serving on the Mayor’s . Five Prime, a privatelty held, 7-year-old company developingb antibody and protein drugs for cancer andotherf diseases, was the first to locatre in Mission Bay, taking about 30,000 feet in the buildinyg on Owens Street. Earlier this it took an additional 5,000 square feet next door at 1700 Owens as it makes batches for its Phased I oncologydrug program. The timing of the executivde change as Five Prime moves forward with its lead cancefr programmakes Gregory’s appointment a crucial one.
At Lexicon, Gregoryg was responsible for financinf strategies, mergers and acquisitions, businessd operations and all financial management and She raisedabout $1 billion in publicc and private equity, product development financing and othed transactions. Gregory, who will join Five Prime’xs board, was an investment banker for more than 20 Atand Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. she was head of healthcarse andinvestment banking, leading several private and publifc equity deals as well as mergers and acquisitions. Gregory also is a member of the board of The andthe ’s .

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This Bauer bankruptcy traces back to Spiegel events - The Business Review (Albany):
In 2003, , which had owneds Eddie Bauer since 1988, filed for bankruptcy protection. And as part of the the company famous forits women’sz wear catalog gave its creditors its stake in Eddiee Bauer. So, in 2005, Eddie Bauer emergeed as a stand-alone company for the firsft time in34 years. The company also emergec with a $300 million senior securefd term loan agreement with lenders and the task of rebuildingb a brand that had drifted away fromthe company’s roots. Under Spiegel, grew rapidly, from 58 to 399 retaipl stores and from three to102 outlets. The company also adde internet sales.
But it also was a time when the Eddies Bauer brand lostits focus, as the companh shifted from its heritage as an outdoor outfitter to a seller of casual clothes targeteds primarily at women. Company executives have said the debt termx from the Spiegel bankruptcy case have continued to hamped efforts to turn things around atEddie Bauer. Despite efforts to recapture some of the old Eddie Bauer has not been able to establish a sustainablee run ofprofitable quarters. The companyg racked up nine consecutive quartersof loses, and has seen lossex of nearly a half-billion dollars in the past threer years.
The struggle became a financial crisisz as the recession has worsened and consumerw haveslowed spending.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Voting begins on King Soopers contract offer - Portland Business Journal:
Voting on the five-year offer by members of United Food and Commercial Workers Locaol 7 will continue through Wednesday. Union leaders are not making a recommendation to their memberss on thecontract offer, which the union complainxs would cut pension benefits by an averaged of $100,000 -- a conclusion disputed by “It’s a good contracy in a normal economy. It’s a great contract in this economy,” King Sooperx spokeswoman Diane Mulligan saidlast week. She said roughlhy 65 percent of workerss would get raises underthe company’as proposal. King Soopers is a Colorado unitof Cincinnati-basex (NYSE: KR).
Colorado workers for two othedr grocerychains — Pleasanton, Calif.-based SWY) and Boise, Idaho-based (privately — continue to negotiate separate deals with theitr employers. If King Sooperss workers rejectthe chain’s latest proposal, they will continue workin without a contract until an agreement is reached or a strikse is called. Their contract expired May 9.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yuji Naka Interview -

Web User

Yuji Naka Interview

Sega legend Yuji Naka recently passed through a cold and wet central London to pimp his new game, Ivy the Kiwi? for Wii and DS (read NGamer's review). ...

The Nintendo Download: When Sonic Met Ivy

NintendoWare Weekly: Sonic 4, Ivy the Kiwi Mini


11th October 2010 (North America)

Nintendo Life


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Philadelphia Business Journal: Moves at Lamb McErlane, Fox Rothschild
There has not been a heavy flow of law firm partnerds switching firms this year when you take the refugeee from the dissolving Wolf Block out ofthe equation. The downturn in the economyy may have limited some lawyers in theire interestto move, and many firms in their ability to take on new lawyers

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Situation's 'Dancing with the Stars' elimination preceded by pecs show ... - New York Daily News

New York Daily News

The Situation's 'Dancing with the Stars' elimination preceded by pecs show ...

New York Daily News

The Situation's 'Dancing with the Stars' results were preceded by a pec show from the 'Jersey Shore' star. WATCH VIDEO below. ...

and more »

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dayton Ballet lays off most of staff - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The company, one of the country’s oldest ballety companies, announced today that it will releaseall part-timde employees and lay off most others indefinitely in an effort to save moneg following a weak ticket season topped with poor ticker sales to the company’s top seller The The company fell short durin the winter season, leavinfg the ballet to dip into its investmenr reserves which also have fallen significantly with the down Though the reserves exist as a financiall cushion to pay bills throughout the tough the total value of the fund has decreasec by more than 30 percent to less than $300,000, which wouled not have sustained the company beyond March 23, when it has chosen to lay off most employees.
As a result of the tough economic climate, the company also announcexd it would take the following measure to weatherthe storm: • Most staff will be placexd on an indefinite unpaid furlough beginningv March 23. The move will affect five positions. A skeleta staff, comprised of three, will remain in the office for day-to-da y duties, donor and patron relationss and to run the DaytonBallef School. The layoffs are expected to get the company throughy to the end of its June 30 fiscalyear end, when the hope is that peoplde will be brought back and a new budgetar y plan will be put in place to make it through the next fiscap year, Director of Marketing Diane Schoeffler-Warren said.
“We are all very she said. “We’re just happy they are beinbg this proactive so we can be arounr another81 years.” Schoeffler-Warre n said many of the company’s problems have been attributed to fewer ticket sales to the annual production of The Nutcracker. Sales fell more than 20 percen t short ofthe $350,000 ticket income goal set for it by the a $70,000 loss that woulfd have gone to pay payroll. Ticket salea for other programs also have missed Season subscriptions, which totaled 3,000 10 yearsd ago, are down to about 850 now.
“Twent percent of a $350,009 goal is hard for any organizatiohto swallow, especially Dayton Ballet,” Director Dermot Burke said in a news Burke said the companyg was poised to have a greaty year, trending ahead of historic salesz for The Nutcracker and 100 percent ahead in annual givint when the market fell and, “Peopls just stopped spending

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hospital Survival May Depend on Mergers - HealthLeaders Media

Hospital Survival May Depend on Mergers

HealthLeaders Media

Christopher Columbus was more than an explorer, he was a savvy financier (and to some a conquistador). He knew that his exploits required more funds than he ...

and more »

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Think tank ranks Colorado least attractive state for oil, gas investment - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The latest survey was issued June 24. It’s been conductexd annually for three years by the Fraser Institutein Alberta, Canada. Arizona was left off the list for lack of The survey ranks statezs as well asothefr countries. The first survey, in ranked Colorado at the top of the list of placesa executives considered positively for oil andgas investment. By 2008, the state’z ranking had fallen to No. 52 out of 81 locationsd aroundthe world. The June 2008 survey said executives had grown wary ofthe state’s efforts to tighten rulex governing oil and gas operations The new rules took effect April 1.
This year, the survehy received 577 responses and covered 143 jurisdictionsd aroundthe world. Colorado ranked No. 81, below Californias and Mozambique, and above the Canadian province of Newfoundlanrd and Labrador and the nation of All three surveys by the institute solicitedanonymou responses. According to the institute’s the 10 most attractive jurisdictionsd for investmentthis year, according to the survey, are: Arkansas, Kansas, Austria, Mississippi, Nebraska, Sout Dakota, Texas, Oklahoma, and Indiana. The 10 leasf attractive jurisdictions for investmentare Niger, Venezuela, Ecuador, Sudan, Russia, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan and Ethiopia.
Respondents ranked provinces, states and countries by investmengt barriers such as hightax rates, costlty regulatory schemes, and securitty threats, among other factors. Scores were based on the proportion of negativeas response a jurisdiction the greater the proportion ofnegative responses, the greatert the perceived investment barriers and therefore the lower the jurisdictionj ranked, according to the surveyh report. The report said investors listedr several reasons for shifting investments toothetr areas, ranging from high tax labor shortages, or costly and time-consuming regulations.
The survehy quoted an unnamed executiv e saying thatin Colorado, “operational, legal, and air quality rulesd and regulations are being institute d at a dizzying pace. It is hard to keep up with as an Most of the regulatorz instituting and enforcing these new rules have littlde or no experience in the industry and do notunderstanf operations. Often they canno answer questionsor help, even with their own Colorado’s new oil and gas regulations were backed by Gov. Bill Ritter and environmental groups as needed toprotecg Colorado’s wildlife, environment and public health assets.
The new rulesw have been opposed by industry who have said they will raise the costs of operatingin “This study demonstrates the harsh reality of an inconsistent regulatory and these numbers run contrary to the beliefv of some policy makers that Colorado’s energyt industry will grow no mattee the constraints placed upon it,” said Meg Collins, presidengt of the Colorado Oil & Gas Association, in a statement. But Theo spokesman for the Colorado Department ofNaturao Resources, which oversees the agency that regulates oil and gas pointed to Colorado investmentsa by big energy companies such as interestexd in getting at the state’s naturalo gas.
ExxonMobil announced June 22 it had doubled its naturalo gas processing capacity on the Western Slope and planned to drill more wella in the area over the nextseveral “Actions speak louder than words,” Stein said. “Some of the largesft North American and global energy companies are busy working and investingin Colorado’ds future. They are plannin g to be here producing clean-burning naturaol gas for decades.” But stat e Rep. Frank McNulty, R-Highlands Ranch, said companies like ExxonMobilo have the money needed to complywith Colorado’s new “They can absorb the higher costz of production that are associates with the oil and gas McNulty said.
“But what the Rittet administration has done is priced outthe mid- and small-levekl companies that were looking to do business in The Fraser Institute is a thinki tank and research centerd that advocates “a free and prosperousw world through choice, markets and responsibility.” .

Friday, October 8, 2010

With Sugar House casino, Philly bets on its future - HULIQ

With Sugar House casino, Philly bets on its future


But the first casino ever in the city of Philadelphia may put a dent into AC's business - and it will give the city government a much-appreciated revenue ...

and more »

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Marlin brothers accused of stealing 8 head of cattle - KXXV News Channel 25

Marlin brothers accused of stealing 8 head of cattle

KXXV News Channel 25

Misael Escobar, 37, and his brother Ricardo Cad »

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

C.M. Steel
will move from the Charlotte/Douglas International Airport-areqa site it shares with its parent company, , says Chrisx Thompson, president of C.M. Steel. Spacse constraints at that 30-acre tract on Old Dowd Road promptedd the company to scout sitexsin Charlotte, Rock Hill and Fort Mill beforre settling on a parcel near Lake he says. C.M. Steel already has a small location in the Newport community northwest of Rock That operation will move to thenew facility. The headquarterds will be built on 100acres C.M. Steelo recently bought on the western side of Lake The property is off Campbell near S.C. Highway 274.
“The Palmettko State is just the right fit for our company and providexs us with a positive business environmentt and a strongwork force,” Thompson Buddy Motz, chairman of the , says C.M. Steel’a decision to relocate shows the county hasbecomed “a preferred location for new-business locatiom and expansion in the Charlotte region.” Site work should start this month, with the building to be complete in early 2010. of Charlotte is the general contractor. C.M. Steelp cuts and shapes steel for the construction of commercial andindustrialp buildings. The headquarters will occupy about20 acres. The adjacentf land will be needed for storing Thompson says.
The company’s construction projec qualifies for state and local incentives for investment and job Last year, , formerly known as Freightliner, boughtf 400 acres nearby at Allison Creek for an office York County officials expect the truck manufacturer to eventuallyu move its corporate headquarters ther from Portland, Ore. Daimler Trucks officialds have said they have no current plansx to movethe headquarters. Glenn Sherrill foundecd SteelFab in 1955in Charlotte, and the compan is still owned by the Sherrill SteelFab has supplied structure steel for the core lab at the N.C. Researchu Campus in Kannapolis andother Charlotte-areaa buildings.
The company has 600 employees across the including about 350in Charlotte. will close its optical-assemblgy plant near Tate Boulevard in Hickory by the end of the a companyspokeswoman confirms. About a thirx of the site’s engineering employees will relocatse to a larger plant in Hickory off McDonald Parkway. The company isn’t disclosingh how many employees are being cut forcompetitive reasons. Nor is it revealinyg information aboutseverance packages. “It was a difficult but a necessary one to keep Corning Cable Systems competitive in thesechallenging times,” the spokeswoman says in a writtenb statement.
Corning Cable also will shutter a plant in the Dominicab Republic byyear end.

Monday, October 4, 2010

BofA prices share offering - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
per share. Investors in the bank’s perpetual preferrer stock can tender theifr shares before midnighton Wednesday. The offer is part of the bank’z effort to raise $33.9 billion in capital that federal regulatorxs say BofA needs afterthe government’s “stress test” of its ability to withstand a deeper recession. The exchang e doesn’t involve any preferred shares held by thefederal government. BofA (NYSE:BAC) has raised the majoritgy of new capital it need s tosatisfy regulators. In May, BofA sold $13.5 billion in common stock. BofA also sold a 5.7 percent stake in Chinq Construction Bank to Asian investorxs for a gainof $4.5 billion.
Those stepa boosted BofA’s Tier 1 commohn capital by $1.8 billion by reducing a deferred taxasset deduction. In addition, BofA agreed to exchanged $5.9 billion in preferred shares for 436 million shares ofcommon stock. The company has said it coulfd raise more money by selling assets such as FirstRepublicv Bank, a San Francisco-based and entering into joint ventures.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

MIT exec taking charge of $2.1B Hopkins endowment - Baltimore Business Journal:
Kathryn J. Crecelius, who manages $2 billion in investments for MIT, will starg the new job by Oct. 1, Hopkinsz announced Friday. Crecelius will manage Hopkins' which was worth $2.165 billiom on June 30 -- the 24th-largest among American universities. She will be charged with buildintgthe university's first separate investment office. "This position represents an excitinbg opportunity to build an investment office for the 21st Crecelius said ina statement. Crecelius has been MIT'd managing director for "marketable alternative since 1998. In that role, she built one of MIT'sd portfolios, which includes such investments as hedge toabout $1.6 billion.
She also invested $429 million in assetsw from MIT's $2.3 billion retirement plan, accordinbg to Hopkins. Until now, the university' s investments have been handlef inthe treasurer's "The job has gotten too big for one particularly given the increased complexity of the endowment'sa investments," said William Snow, Johns Hopkins' in a statement. Endowment funds at Johns Hopkin s grew nearly 20 percenyt from 2003to 2004, accordinvg to the Endowment Study release earlieer this year. The study showed Johns Hopkins endowmen t funds grewfrom $1.7 billion in 2003 to more than $2 billio n in 2004.
By comparison, the and Foundation had $533 milliomn in endowment funds in according tothe NACUBO. The group reported that Johnws Hopkins endowments in 2004 were between Vanderbilt University in whichhad $2.29 billion in endowment funds and Brown University in Rhodde Island which had $1.6 billion. Harvard had the largesr endowment fundwith $22.14 billion in 2004.

Friday, October 1, 2010

K-State presidential finalists to visit Manhattan - Kansas City Business Journal:
The remaining candidates will have similarr visits before the end ofthe It’s all in an effort to find a replacement for Jon who plans to retire at the end of the 2008-09 school year following 23 years as K-State’s president. The last week announcedd three finalists for the position soon would bevisitinv Manhattan. However, the board only released the name of thefirst candidate, saying more information aboug the other two candidates would be revealed closer to their scheduled visits latert this month. Dr. Kirk H. vice president for research and economidc developmentat , was the one finalist who was immediately His two-day visit is scheduled for Thursdayu and Friday.
He has been a Mississippki State faculty member for the past seven year s and previously worked at andthe . His prior administrative positionw include Dean of Engineering at Mississippi State University and Chair of the Chemica l Engineering Department at Mississippi State Universityu and MichiganTechnological University. Schultx earned his bachelor’s and doctorate degrees in chemicapl engineeringfrom . The remaining finalists are scheduled to be in Manhattajnon Jan. 22, 23 and Jan. 26, 27, respectively. The boarxd of regents expects to name a new president in thecominyg months, with that person assuming duties on or around July 1.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gourmet to come downtown St. Louis - St. Louis Business Journal:
million in sales last year. The in Washington, Mo., is the latestr recipient of government funds, accepting $20.4 million in TARP moneyu May 22. “Some people equate the receipg of these funds as a government which is absolutelynot correct,” said L.B. Eckelkamp Jr., chairman and chief executive. The bank has been and continuese to bewell capitalized, he and will be able to boosty its loans by $100 milliojn from the current $675 million in loan outstanding.
is on track for $1 millioj in revenue this year, 20 percent more than last according to owner Holly Her Dave’s Double Chip cookie was the featured “Snackm of the Day” on the “Rachael Ray Show” May 11. St. HOK ranked third in Architect magazine’s inaugural list of the top 50architecturap practices, based on profitability, design quality and sustainability (think green). The May issue also includews a profile of the firm and a fun color portrait of Chairman Bill Valentine and CEO Patrick MacLeamy. HOK had revenue of $752 million in 2008. ranked first, and of Chicag ranked second.
and the are offering 16 promotiona packagesat $15,000 each to The company name will appear on top of a 600-pound replica of the Arch, with the replicas placed downtown during All-Star week, said Franlk Viverito, commission president. The sponsorships also includw 100 ticketsto FanFest, a pair of tickets to the All-Stadr Game and other goodies. ’s Modernisn auction last monthtotaled $775,000 in sales, short of a pre-sale estimate of $1 millio to $1.25 million. One reason was that a Fernand o Botero painting that was estimatef to go for upto $225,000 didn’ft sell because it didn’t reacg its reserve price.
The high lot was a Malcolm Morley painting from the estate of James Malloy that sold for including buyer’s premium, said Mark executive vice president. An auction featuring American, British and Continental prints and drawings is schedulerdJune 6-8. John Burroughs grad and New York restaurateurt Danny Meyer was the subject ofa half-pagr Q&A in The May 23. Despitee the economy, he said, “restaurantsx with small courses that give thecustomer choices, and don’y obligate them to spend a fortune, are goin g to do well.” He is a boardf member of OpenTable, an online restauran booking service that had a $20-a-shar e initial public offering last month.
His Blue Smoke and Shakee Shack restaurants have outposte inthe Mets’ new Citi

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

American Woodmark loses $2.9M - Portland Business Journal:
Winchester, Va.-based American Woodmark (NASDAQ: AMWD) reported Friday that it lost $2.9 or 21 cents per diluted in its fiscal fourth quarter endedApril 30. That comparesa to net income of $36,000, or zero centsa per diluted share, in the year ago period. Restructuring chargezs in the quarter amountedto $9.745 million and included the costs to permanently close two factoriezs and reduce its salaried payroll. Revenuwe in the quarter slipped 2 percento $140.7 million. For all of fiscal year 2009, American Woodmarlk lost $3.23 million, or 23 centxs per diluted share, compared to making $4.28 million, or 29 cents per diluted share, in fiscal year 2008.
Revenue for fiscal year 2009 declineed 9 percentto $545.9 American Woodmark is the third-largest cabinet maker in the U.S., sellin its products to homebuilders and at home-improvementy stores around the During the latest quarter, American Woodmark said it saw an increasew in remodeling sales but experienceds greater declines in its new construction business than experiencedd earlier in the fiscal

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Other Side of Oahu -

The Other Side of Oahu

We are just off the leeward coast of Oahu, a world away from bustling Waikiki, near the Ko Olina Resort & Marina and ...

Leading Waikiki Hotel, Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, Lets Guests Book ...

PR Web (press release)


Saturday, September 25, 2010

AIG to close Milwaukee center, lay off 291 - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Midwest Operations Center at750 W. Virginia St. in Milwaukee'd Walker's Point neighborhood, which had a total of 312 will beshut down. AIG laid off 254 of thosse employees andretained 58, who will move to a marketing and operation center at 1200 N. Mayfair Road in Wauwatosq or possibly workfrom home. The company also eliminated 37 jobs at the Mayfair Road The Milwaukee employees who were laid off workef forthe health, contracts and licensing, underwriting, new business and operations development departments. Employees could be seen leavinf the Virginia Street office Tuesday afternoo with boxesof belongings.
A table had been set up in the lobbyh to assist employees with the The total reduction amounts to abouyt 17 percent of American General American General is a subsidiary of beleaguered insurancegiantg , or AIG, which has laid off hundredsz of employees worldwide this year. Milwaukes and Houston are the two cities most heavily impacted by the layoff s causedby “unprecedented” economic conditions, according to Shayna Schulz, Americab General vice president of corporatse communications. Schulz did not providre the total number of American General employeesin Houston.
Some othed AIG divisions with offices here have had layoffssince September, she All affected employees have been provided with outplacement servicesa and are eligible for open positionas elsewhere with AIG. “We are deeply grateful for the contributions of our colleague s who have been impacted by this decision and believe it will resul t in American General Life Companies becoming a more competitive organizatioj focusedon long-term profitable growth that will benefit all policyholders, as well as our employees,” the compant said in a statementt issued Tuesday.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

HOUSING: August permit activity second-lowest since records kept - North County Times

HOUSING: August permit activity second-lowest since records kept

North County Times

San Diego County house builders applied for 76 permits in August, the second fewest in 22 years, according to data from an industry group. ...

HOUSING: Riverside County building permits rise in August

North County Times

California Housing Starts Rise for Fourth Straight Month in August



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

NY stimulus spending hits milestone - Kansas City Business Journal:
The state has now soughft bids forprojects together, consume more than half of New York’ s highway and bridge funding, said Timothyt Gilchrist, an adviser to Gov. David Paterson. Gilchrist is overseeingt a state committee that is administering stimulus The $787 billion stimulus requires states to obligate at least half of their highway funds by June 29. States that do not meet that deadlinwe forfeit their remaininghighway funding, which will be redistribute d to states that did meet the To date, 15 states have failed to obligate at leasg half of their highway Gilchrist said.
New York has now met that requirement a month aheadof time, having advertised bids for at leas t $392 million of highway projects. “It’s one less thing that will wake me up at 3 in the Gilchrist saidon “We get to rest for about 30 seconds. And then we have to move Gilchrist said it will take several more montha to obligate all the stimulus And thestate won’t know until the June 29 deadlind whether it will get more money. “Eacuh day, people are processing projects. We won’t know until the end,” Gilchristy said.
Many of the projectxs that have been advertised so far have been in planning for a few Inmany cases, municipalities are substitutingg stimulus money for funding they had already set asid e for a project. The state Department of Transportationh will also be able to do restarting projects that had been Gilchrist said. A list of thosse projects is to be published in afew weeks. It takew up to 12 weeks from the time a projectt is announced to the time whenconstructionm begins. A typical bid period lastws four tosix weeks, and it takea just as long for the state comptroller to review and authorizd the work, Gilchrist said.
“Therre will be boots on the grounthis summer,” he For more information, see the state’s stimulus Web site: .

Monday, September 20, 2010

Common Cause finds oil vote-contribution correlation - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The report, released in is the latest in a series of studieas compiled by Common Cause that analyze how political contributions by various industries might impactpublic policy, said Statde Director Steven Allen. “We founrd that legislators who voted on legislation friendly to oil and gas on average, two-to-five times more campaign contributionas than legislators who vote d in a manner unfriendly to the oil and gas industry,” Allenh said. However, President Bob Gallagher said campaigncontributions don’t buy votes. “Ou r companies look for pro-business candidates, whetherf they be Republicans or Democrats, to creat a stable business environment in New Gallagher said.
“We need pro-business representatives, and they need to spendr money toget elected. It’s that simple. But that doesn’tr get us any favors.” Gallagher said political contributions are like buyingy insurance on an office buildin toprotect one’s assets. “You spend money on a candidatre to protect your assets with peoplre whoare pro-business,” Gallagher said. “With billions of dollarsx in assets inNew we’ll do everything we can to protectt it. Wouldn’t you?
” The report, based on statisticsz from the in State Politics and the New Mexic o Secretaryof State’s Web site, says oil and gas businessea were among the largest political contributors in New Mexico in every year of the past decade. Contributions totalef $5.369 million from 1998 to with about 41 percent going to Democrats and the rest to Last year, oil and gas companies contributed more than $1 or 15.6 percent of all contributionz in 2008 — the most from any single The single largest contributor last year was , an Albuquerque-basedf oil and gas investment company, with $250,00o for two candidates, the report was third largest with $140,000.
The reporgt analyzed votes on various oil and gas billds in recent years and correlated the positions of individual legislators with the amountg they receivedin contributions. “Contributions to legislators whos e votes were friendly to industryh on averagetotaled $4,577,” the report stated. “Contributions to legislators whosvotes weren’t friendly to industry on average totalefd $1,793. For both chambers and all bills analyzed, industry-friendly voting is associated with 2.6 timee more O&G funding than industry-unfriendly Sen.
John Arthur Smith, a Deminb Democrat and chairman of the SenateFinance Committee, said the industry’zs impact on New Mexico finances is the criticalo factor influencing legislative decisions. we’re far too dependent on oil and Smith said. “It’s too volatile, and we’re right now suffering a backlashn from theindustry downturn.” In the past five oil and gas accounted for betweebn 15 and 21 percent of general fund revenues, with more than $10 billiomn in taxes and charges paid by industryy between 2002 and 2007.
The plummet in oil and gas however, has lowered energy-related revenue projections to just 12 percent for fiscao year2010 — the lowest percentagwe since 1999, according to the Legislative Finances Committee. The revenue decline contributed toa $450 million deficitg in the current FY 2009 budget, and a projectex $400 million deficit for 2010. As for politicalk contributions, Smith said it’s the overall cost of electiond that needs to be addressed rather than any alleger influence earned byindividual “I’ve never been influenced by it and all other legislators will tell you the same, but you can’ run an electoral race without Smith said.
“I guess it’x the cost of elections that bothers me The worst thing in politics is having toraise money. I’d like to see limit s on contributions, but I don’t know how you do that withouty impairing freedomof