Monday, December 31, 2012

Frisco nabs NBA minor league team - Business First of Buffalo:
The team was purchases by LLC and will play its home gamesd at the Dr Pepper Arena beginnint withthe 2010-2011 basketball season. The team will not play duringgthe 2009-2010 season. Donnie president of basketball operations andgenerap manager, will serve as principal owner and operatorf of the team. The ownership grou p also includesEvan Wyly, chairman of . The acquisition and subsequent move to Friscio was officially announced by NBA Development League President Dan Reedon Thursday. “We’re very excite to be in Frisco, an area with deep fan support and a history of successful sports Reed said.
“We're thrilled to welcome such a well-respectedc and experienced group to theNBA D-League ownership ranks. Not only are Donniee Nelson’s basketball credentials terrific, but he has assembledx a group with impressive business credentialsas well. Donnie’as investment in an NBA D-League team is a greaty validation of bothour league’s past successa and future growth prospects.” The new owners plan to announce the team'as new name, colors and logo, along with the coaching at a later date. was formed in 2001 and included 16 minor league teams duringthe 2008-09 season.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

MetroPCS offers cheap international calls - Dallas Business Journal:
The Richardson company said Tuesday the service will be availablr asan add-on to the firm’s $40, $45 and $50 monthl y plans, including family Customers can call more than 100 countries, MetroPCS "It's probably the lowesty cost for international calls in the wireless industr y right now," says Jeff Kagan, an independentg wireless analyst in the Atlantw area. "Now the question is, Will this cause othet players to reducetheir rates?" Kaganj adds that he doesn't believe any other compan in the wireless industry is offering "anything to MetroPCS' international rates. "If it sticks this would be a breakthrough deal forthe customer.
" The company’s calling plans range from $30 per month to $50 per MetroPCS’ stock (NYSE: PCS) was selling for $14.49 per share, up 16 on Tuesday morning.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Cousins Chairman Tom Bell retiring - Nashville Business Journal:
Gellerstedt will remain president, the Atlanta-basedx real estate investment trust said. Bell, who turns 60 this became Cousins CEO in January 2002 and chairman inDecembefr 2006. Under his watch, the company sold nearly $3 billiomn in assets during the market’s peak for special dividends totaling $12.62 a share. “There is never a perfect time to leav e a company as respected and admiredas Cousins, but I’mj confident that after sevenh and a half years as chief executive, the compant is ready for new leadership and reneweed energy,” Bell said in a statement.
“My decision to step aside now allows our extremely talented management team undef the guidance of Larry to make important decisions that will preparre Cousins for the next phase of the realestates cycle.” Bell remains deeply involved in Atlanta’ s civic life. He has been instrumental in the effory to save from financial The movement began over dinner in early 2007 when the tablwe conversationof A.D. “Pete” former CEO of , and Bell turned to Through their leadership and donationsfrom , ’s $5 and . "I thought he had big shoe s to fill when hetook over, since he was replacinv Tom Cousins," said Hal Barry, founderd of Barry Real Estate Cos.
"Since then, he' done an absolutely fantastic job for that Andwhat he's done for the city and metro Atlantaq have just been over the top. I hope he doesn't give up some of his effortds that have meant so much to theAtlantwa community. I just admire the heck out of Gellerstedt, 53, came to Cousinx (NYSE: CUZ) when the REIT bought his firm, , in June 2005. Gellerstedt servedx as chairman and chief executive officere of the from 1986to 1998. In after the sale of Beers to , he was electec chairman and CEOof , a packaging and printed office productws company. In 2000, Gellersted became president and chief operating officerof , an urba n mixed-use development company.
He went on to found The Gellerstedtr Groupin 2003. In other companu news, Cousins’ board of directors named S. Taylot Glover non-executive chairman of the board. Gloveer joined the Cousins board inFebruary 2005. He is currentluy the president and chief executive officerof

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Abbotsford Santa saboteurs deflate family's Christmas spirit by vandalizing ... - The Province

Abbotsford Santa saboteurs deflate family's Christmas spirit by vandalizing ...

The Province

Mean-spirited Grinches have stolen an Abbotsford family's Christmas spirit. For 11 years, Sheri and Dale Kasper have transformed their front yard into a winter wonderland. But on Christmas Eve, in the cover of darkness, two vandals crept onto their ...

and more »

Monday, December 24, 2012

State senator wants to remove UC
In a release, Yee, who received his bachelor’s degreew from UC Berkeley, said that the Regents of the systenm think theyare “above the law.” The Universitg of California Office of the Presideny shot back in its own release, saying that the systemm is one of the few agencies in governmenft that is working, that it’s flourished under its and that the salaries it pays to top leader s is below the national average for comparable institutions. The state’s constitution guaranteed the regents autonomu on all issues related to management of the systemmsince 1879.
The proposed amendment, SCA 21, and its counterparty on in theState Assembly, ACA 24, need two-thirds approvall from the legislature and then needs approva l from state voters.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Schurkey Swanke, Grand Forks, ND, letters: Developers created, should solve ... - Grand Forks Herald

Schurkey Swanke, Grand Forks, ND, letters: Developers created, should solve ...

Grand Forks Herald

Grand Forks Mayor Mike Brown has succeeded in finding third parties to recommend his goal of socializing the Grand Forks housing market. By: Schurkey Swanke, Grand Forks Herald. GRAND FORKS รข€" Grand Forks Mayor Mike Brown has succeeded in ...

Friday, December 21, 2012

Fed's Beige Book: Midwest contraction
Whereas some industries experiencede substantial drops in activity during the past six modest increases in other sectorx led the Fed to characterize theNintnh District’s contraction as moderating. The Ninth Federa District includes Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Southu Dakota, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan andnorthwesterj Wisconsin. Consumer spending and tourism werestilk weak, but had “improved somewhat from the previouzs few months,” according to the Fed. The servicer sector continued to experiencedecreased revenue, employment and profits compared to a year ago, and furthetr profit contraction is likely.
The Fed characterizex the commercial real estate sectoras “anemic,” adding that residentiao construction continued at steadily low levels. The residential real estatew market did see more activity than in the previouasreporting period. Manufacturing continued its as did energyand However, some wind energy projects continue to move forward, and gold mines are at “near capacith production.” Labor markets continued to struggle. Job cuts in many of them in the health careand medical-devics fields, were cited by the Fed in its assessmenr of labor conditions. Wage increases were modest, and firmx surveyed by the Fed expect toincrease employees’ wages by 1.
8 percentt over the next year. Price increases, were “subdued,” with the risingh cost of gas anotabler exception, the Fed reported. The Fed’s next Beigde Book report is dueJuly 29.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Nigel Gault, chief U.S. economist for , said in a reportg this week that “after back-to-back declines in real GDP of more than 6percenyt (annual rates), the period of economic free-fall seems Despite the prospects for an end to the Gault points out that a rapid recovery is not in the after such an extreme global financial shock. “Itr remains premature to suppose that the financial system has been We expecta 3.1 percent decline in GDP for the less severe than our April forecast of 3.5 percent, followedf by a 1.5 percent rebound in 2010,“ the report Gault noted that consumer spendinb beat forecasts in the firsgt quarter by gaining 2.
2 percent, following its 4 percentt plunge in the second half of 2008, but spendinb will likely remain flat, at through the end of 2009. As for the housingy market, Gault notes that despite the fact that residential construction had its steepest decline so far duringf this downturn in thefirsy quarter, the outlook is improving. “Most key indicators of housingactivity (home sales, housinbg starts and permits) are showing signds of stabilization, based upon dramaticallyg improved affordability — for those who can qualify for credit.
Even thouggh there will be a delay after housing starts hit botto m until residential construction spending starts to the latter should occurby year-end,” he wrote. Regarding the energt sector, Gault said drilling activit has not yet finished itsdownwarcd trend, but is closwe to the bottom. Like the rest of the economy’ss prospects when the slow recovery beginsin 2010, Gaulty does not expect energy pricexs to spike quickly as some recent reports have Oil prices will average $46 a barrelk this year, he suggests, rising only to an average of $54 in 2010 and wouled not move past $75 until 2012.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Savara Pharmaceuticals obtains Series A financing - Austin Business Journal:
million Series A financing according toa U.S. Securities and Exchangr Commission filing. The Austin-based company is developing an inhalation-based drug delivert system and will use the funds to continue developmenft of its NanoCluster technology in the dry powdertherapeutics Savara, which moved from Kansas last didn’t disclose its but the SEC filint indicates they've attracted 13 backers. Savara was foundefd in 2007 with technology developed atthe . In late it moved to the five months after Austijn entrepreneur Rob Neville was namedthe company’s chairmam and CEO.
Neville previouslyt was founder and CEO ofanothetr ATI-based company, That startup was acquired in 2000 by Houston-basex for $100 million about a year after it was Savara’s pulmonary — or via the lunga — drug delivery initially developed in 2004, is baseds on nanotechnology and dry powders rather than conventionall propellants. It plans to offer its platfork to drug makers seeking alternative delivery methods and to developl itsown drugs. Last year, Savar garnered an undisclosed amount of financiny from a syndicate of 12angelo investors, most based in Texas, Neville said. During 2008, Austin-areaq life sciences companies attractef $18.
7 million in venture capital comparedwith $195.1 million in 2007, accordinbg to .

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Smart bets web extra: Jason Daniello's solo show - Mountain Xpress

Smart bets web extra: Jason Daniello's solo show

Mountain Xpress

Singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist/rocker Jason Daniello (Broomstars, Clouds of Greer) is gearing up for his last solo show of the year. Daniello performs regularly around Asheville (The Lab, WXYZ Bar), playing both originals and covers from the ...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Is this proof that beer goggles work on mirrors? Men think they're more ... - Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Is this proof that beer goggles work on mirrors? Men think they're more ...

Daily Mail

35 per cent of men rate themselves as more attractive after having a few pints, whereas just 13 per cent of women feel the same and two in five say they think their partner is less attractive after drinking. Really? A third of men are convinced they ...

and more »

Thursday, December 13, 2012

National index: Manufacturers begin to struggle - East Bay Business Times:
A manufacturing index compiled bythe Ariz.-based weakened to 47.7 in December, signaling the firstg contraction of the sector in 11 The tipping point for the indexx is 50, with a reading above that reflecting growth in the A reading below 50 represents a declines in manufacturing. The report said slowing demanedfor products, rather than excess inventories, resultef in manufacturers slowing production.
"December was apparently a very toug month asnew orders, productiomn and employment were all below the breakeven mark of 50 Norbert Ore, chairman of the ISM's manufacturingg business survey committee, said in a "Industries close to the housing market appear to be struggling more than others, and thosee involved in exports seem to be doing The overall reading of the index is the weakesyt since April 2003, and it also marksa the sixth straight month that the index has postefd a decline. Manufacturers also reported raw materiap inflation including oil and corn andnatural gas.
ISM did reporr growth in some productionh areasincluding tobacco, computers and petroleum and coal and On average, manufacturers surveyed said prices paid for goodes and services overall rose by 6.5 percent in 2007, and they anticipated a virtually identical increasd in 2008. Manufacturers also expecyt a 4 percent increase in wages anda 7.5 percentr hike for employee benefits in 2008--increasesx that slightly exceeded thosd reported for 2007. They anticipate their energy costx will rise nearly8 percent.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Funeral industry gears up for boomers
The projects the annual number of deathd in the United States will risefrom 2.6 millioh next year to 3 millionh in 2024 — and 4 million in 2043. “We hear the tidall wave is coming,” said Chris Meyer, owner of in “We’ve known the (baby boomer trend) has been coming for some so the industry has been gearing up for that to saidBob Rosson, a Mississippji funeral home operator and an executivde board member of the . “We’ll be able to handle But the industry firs has to survive the currenydeath trough. The number of deaths in the Unitecd States declinedby 0.9 percent from 2005 to in part because of a mild flu according to the .
Health care advancess have ledto record-high life expectancied and lower annual death rates for a ranges of diseases, including stroke, heart diseasse and diabetes. “We have actuallgy felt a lightercase load,” Meyer said. “I thinki some of the bigger funeral homes have felt a precipitouwdrop off.” Baby boomerws might live longer than their parents, but sooner or lated they’ve got to go. Thoss who want traditional burials should preparr forrising prices. The mediam cost of a funeral in the United Stateswas $6,1965 in 2006, according to a National Funerak Directors Association survey released last year.
That which includes a $2,255 metal casket, was 11 percenft higher than inthe association’s surveyy in 2004. With the inclusion of a concrete vault, which many cemeterie require, the price rises to “That’s the funeral that is goingg outof vogue,” said Joshua Slocum, executivre director of nonprofit . He predictse that the funeral industry will respond to the risinb death rate by offering cheaper servicesto “This is not going to cause a run on he said. “If anybody’s going to jump into the embalminv businessthinking it’s recession-proof, they’re misguided. Baby boomers are not interester intheir grandma’s funeral.
” Cremation rates in the Unitee States increased from 26 percent in 2000 to 35 percentg in 2007, according to the . The association projects a rate of 39 percent next year and 59 percengtby 2025. “In some places of like Marin County, you’re looking at a 90 percent crematioj rate,” Slocum said. Cost is a big but there are also demographicc changesat work. “They say the ‘greatest generation’ were more traditional, more religioues people,” Meyer said. “Now, more educatee people, more liberal thinkers (who are) less religious in many tend to think, ‘It’s all abougt economics for me.
’ ” Meyer, whose mortuarg offers both cremation andembalming services, said a traditionaol burial costs $6,000 to $10,000, depending on the Cremation costs about $1,000 to In the Sacramento area, Meyer said, “there’s been an explosiobn of storefront cremation places.” Bodiezs come in and get shipped to off-sitr crematoriums. The ashes are returned in an urn. “The y don’t have the facilities to embalm,” Meyer said. “They don’gt have a chapel. It’s wildly cheaper. It’sx sort of the Wal-Martification of the funeral industry.” or “natural” burials are also growing in popularity.
People are buried in a caskeft made of abiodegradable material, such as pine or wicker, or they can skip the caskeft and just be buried in a Only one cemetery in in Mill Valley, offers green burials. It startee offering the servicein 2004.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

With IBM out, Oracle to buy Sun for $7.4B - Triangle Business Journal:
billion transaction, the companies announced Monday. The total valuw of the deal includesthe stock, the purchase of Sun'as cash reserves and the assumption of Oracle placed the acquisition cost at $5.6 billion, net of Sun'ws cash and debt At $9.5 a share, the stock price Oraclre agreed to pay, the agreemeng offers a 42 percent premium over Sun's closing price on April 17. Redwood Calif.-based Oracle (Nasdaq:ORCL) said that it expectx to add at least 15 cents to its bottokm line in the first year after thedeal closes, whicj is expected to happejn this summer. The company expectse to add $1.
5 billion to operatingy profit in the first year and morethan $2 billiojn in the second year. "Thre acquisition of Sun transforms theIT industry, combining best-in-class enterprisse software and mission-critical computinh systems," said Oracle CEO Larry Ellison in a The deal appears to brinb to the close the drawn-out saga of Sun on the sale Lengthy negotiations with IBM brok down after Santa Clara-based Sun'z board declared that an IBM offer of $7 billion for the company was too low. IBM and stopped negotiations after that.
Publishefd reports last week said that Sun approachecd IBM in hopes of reviving the negotiations but that Big Blue because of concern s thanan IBM-Sun deal would lead to lengthy anti-trust reviews by regulators around the world. Oracle uses Sun'ds Java software and language already in some of its including its Fusion Middleware and Oracle uses the Solaris operating system for itsdatabased business. Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM, with about 10,500 employees in Researcuh Triangle Park, is one of the largesr employers inthe Raleigh-Durha m area.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ford ute's useful format - New Zealand Herald

New Zealand Herald

Ford ute's useful format

New Zealand Herald

Ford's $57,090 XLT super cab auto Ranger ute, with a 147kW/470Nm 3.2-litre turbo-diesel engine, six-speed auto and four-wheel-drive with low range accessed via an easy dial. Over 1000km of mixed running we averaged 9.3 litres/100km - 0.1 above claim.

< p class="p" size="-1">

Friday, December 7, 2012

Community Shelter Board addressing issues that cause homelessness - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Jennings, 37, sought immediate relief at the . She then turned to the , an area agenchy that offers solutionsto homelessness. These days she’ws working on a nursing degree and living at Southpoinr Place in Columbus a permanent, supportive housing system that offers supporf groups, counselors and social workers dedicated to helpingt residents identify and solve the problems that led to their “I won’t be living here forever, of but I think I will stay until I am finished getting the help I says Jennings, who believes she is on the road to stabler employment and housing as a resulf of the programming, which is overseen by the Communityy Shelter Board.
She says the agency’z initiatives have made her a better parentg and provided her with mentalhealthy treatments, which she now realizes she Jennings is grateful for the help and wantsd to volunteer for the organization as soon as she gets on her “I want to help people understand that even thouguh they may face homelessness and other barriers in their lives, there is hope. People need to know that toughytimes don’t have to last forever,” says Jennings, who likeas the fact that the Community Shelter Board focusess on the root problems people face in addition to the homelessness.
“Southpoint Place wants to rehabilitate Its staff offers a support system that some of thesr residents never hadin life. These peopl are getting the help they need so they can go the next leve and contribute to the she says. Barbara the Community Shelter Board’s executive says clients make her eager to go to workeveryy morning. Jennings, in particular, inspiresw her. “Southpoint Place signifiess a new beginning for this young mother andher family; she is very dedicatedd to being an advocate for others who have experienced homelessness,” says Poppe.
Foundes in 1986, the Community Shelter Boarrd is a partnership betweenthe city, Franklin County, , and businessd community, says Poppe. It funds an array of programs includinghomelessness prevention, emergency shelter housing placement services and supportive housing. The organization accommodates morethan 7,5009 individuals annually through its emergency shelter service. It serves 1,000 people through its supportive housing program and roughly 500 households with its homelessnesspreventionj service. Services are provided by a dozen differen t agencies throughoutthe community, says who adds that the state of the economhy and the housing crisis have been aggravating the homelesw problem.
As more people run out of unemploymen insurance or lose theid homesto foreclosure, the agency has to strain to keep up. In the government and private donations to the Communityg Shelter Boardare dwindling. “Businesses and individuals have fewer dollarsx due tothe recession. As for us, we continue to see high numbersd of people experiencing homelessness and a sudden increase in termds of lengths of stay in ouremergencyu shelter,” says Poppe. The agency, whichb operates on an $11 million annual budget, received most of its support from the city of Columbua andthe , which contribute a littler more than $3 million each.
It also receives funding from the United Way of Central theprivate sector, and federal and state says Poppe, who estimates that between 75 and 80 percent of funds can be attributed to publicd support; 20 to 25 percent represent privatd dollars. Members of the business including , , , , and providse in-kind support, says Poppe, who is always looking for additionall funding and companies willing to hire Communityt Shelter Board program graduates and provided volunteers to work invarious “Our budget has been increasing over the yeare because we have been increasing our investment in housing programs and long-ter m solution housing,” says Poppe, who adds that the agencyy has been receiving national attention.
“Our community is a modelo for the nation due to our ability toaddresa homelessness,” she says.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Walker Art Center sells small office building to restaurateur - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
McCarty, which owns Grandview Grill in St. Paul, the Uptowm Diner in Minneapolis and about four other restaurantw in theTwin Cities, bough the 20,000-square-foot office building at 1752 Hennepi Ave. from the museum for $1.95 million. The half-acre site is immediatelyu south ofthe Walker. The deal closed in McCarty won’t say what he planx to do withthe building. Andreaq Christenson, a retail real estate brokerd atin Minneapolis, said she wouldn’t be surprised if McCartyu moved the offices of his St. Paul Development Co., from St. Paul into the space. McCartyg recently opened at 89 S. 10th St. in the old Hell’as Kitchen space in Minneapolis.
Ryan French, a spokesmanj for the Walker, said the museum had bought the 1752 Hennepin building as part of alarger 3.4-acre plot of land from for abouyt $11 million in the late ’90s. The Walker used the buildingy as a temporary home for its offices during construction ofthe museum’x expansion about three years ago. For the past two years, it had unsuccessfullyu tried to find a tenant to leasethe space. It got an unsolicited and “attractive” offer from McCarty, and its board of directors deciderd to sellthe building. Proceeds were put in the Walker’z endowment, which funds its general operations.
Frenchb said he didn’t know what McCarty plans to do with the McCarty has discussed the site withthe , but hasn’t submitted any formak applications for it, according to a city

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Maryland claims MiddleBrook Pharmaceuticals owes it money - Washington Business Journal:
The drug company, now based in Westlake, Texas, said it had receivexd the lienfor $88,478 for not paying the appropriatr amount of sales and use taxes conclusions that MiddleBrook officialsa said stemmed from a routine Maryland state auditf conducted between 2004 and the first half of when the biotech was still headquartered in Germantown. The compliancew division of thestate comptroller’s offic declined to comment on the lien. “We thought we were having a back-and-forth dialogue about that” audit, said MiddleBrook spokeswoman Faith who said finance officialswere “extremely surprised” when they receivecd notice of the lien.
She said the compang has paid the amount in full and is waiting for the lien tobe “I definitely don’t want to disparagew former management, but we weren’t here when it happened,” she “Obviously, a mistake was made, and we’ve rectified MiddleBrook was formerly foundef and led by CEO Ed who left the company in the fall of last year afte r receiving a $100 million equity investment by Chicago-basef , which then brought in its own managemen team from a former Dallas portfolii company. Rudnic said he hadn’t heard abouft the lien.
“Not knowing the specifics of how they’re calculatingg things or what thecomplaint says, it’s impossible for me to commentr other than I know that we took thesd things quite seriously,” he said. “I know of no audita underway when Iwas CEO.” In the the state reported that $58,560 in taxesd needed to be paid, as well as $24,047 in interest at a rate of 1.08 percent per The judgment also called for $5,87 1 in penalty fines. In the firsty three months of this year, MiddleBrooko (NASDAQ: MBRK) made nearly $9 million in sales, some from its first-ever in-house drug, the once-a-day Moxatag for strepo throat.
Approved in Januar 2008 and launched threemonths ago, Moxatag had scorecd 3,000 prescriptions by late April, and Pomeroy-Ward said prescriptionz had been mounting at an average rate of 1,000 each MiddleBrook, which has deployed a 300-person saleas team and managers to sell the drug to 40,000 primargy care doctors and 16,50 0 pharmacies, said it expects to garner $40 million in total product sales, mostly in the fourth quarter for Moxatag. The companyt has kept roughly 25 employeez in its former Germantown headquarters on SenecaMeadowxs Parkway.

Monday, December 3, 2012

AMC Entertainment sets deadline on debt buyback - Business First of Buffalo:
In a filing with the Securities and Exchange theKansas City-based movie theatere company said that holders of $238.1 million of the note s had agreed to proposed amendmente in AMC’s offer. The proposed amendments will eliminatew almost all the restrictive covenants on the AMC a previously announced private offerinbto $600 million in seniot notes due in 2019 and that it expectee net proceeds of about $568.1 AMC previously said it would use the proceeds to buy the company’sw outstanding $250 million in senior notes due in and for other general corporate purposes. On May 22, AMC , comparee with a $43.4 million profitg the prior year. Revenue for the year that endef April 2was $2.
27 billion, down 2.9 percenf from $2.33 billion the prior AMC owns interests in 307 theaters with 4,612 screens in five The company is privately held but required to reportf to the SEC because some of its debt is publicly held.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Canadian minister to tour Port Coquitlam mosque - The Tri-City News

Canadian minister to tour Port Coquitlam mosque

The Tri-City News

Saad Bahr, the president of the Islamic Society of BC, which operates the Masjid Al-Hidayah and Islamic Cultural Centre, said Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney will tour the Port Coquitlam mosque today, Saturday.

Friday, November 30, 2012

College of Nanoscale Science will start undergraduate program - Triangle Business Journal:
State University of New York Chancellotr Nancy Zimpher made the announcement Friday atthe college’s Fullet Road campus. Currently, the college offers only master’s and doctorapl programs. Some undergraduate courses will be offered in the but the first full class of aboutt 50 students will start inthe spring, said Robert vice president of academic affairs at the school. The college planx to grow the freshman clasd to 300 to 500 in the next four or five saidAlain Kaloyeros, the college’s vice presideng and CEO. The baccalaureate program will be funded througgha $10 million endowment, a donation that includes an undiscloserd amount from G.
Thomax Selfridge, who owns The endowment is expected to coverdtuition costs, Kaloyeros said. Selfridge also made an endowment when the campusz openedin 2001. The state approvefd the four-year program two weeks ago. Initially, Alban Nanotech will not add to its staff of 55 Geer said, but that numbef is expected to grow to 75 over the next five Friday’s announcement was another milestone for the Albany NanoTech campus, where the collegew is located. Earlier this week, officials therde announced that private, federal and state investments at the campus hadtoppedc $5 billion. Employment has also exceededd the 2,500-mark.
That’s the number of researchers, engineers, students and faculty that now work atthe 800,000-square-foot With an average salary of $81,000, thosre numbers translate to an annualk payroll of $202 Albany NanoTech opened its fourtnh building, NanoFab 300 East, this past spring. Zimpherr became chancellor June 1. She is touring SUNY campuses over the nextfew months.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

OPT: Tunnel closures exacerbate Gaza housing crisis -

Sydney Morning Herald

OPT: Tunnel closures exacerbate Gaza housing crisis

The closure of some of the tunnels (the percentage is uncertain) has exacerbated an existing housing crisis in Gaza caused by rapid population growth and extensive damage and destruction of homes during Israeli military operations, but most of  »

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Contract award may end dispute with EBS - Triangle Business Journal:
The Department of Health and Humamn Services has awardedof Meriden, a $35 million contract to create seasonakl and pandemic flu vaccines based on its new developmenft technology. That contract coul be extended for up to five yearsand $147 million in tota l value. Emergent BioSolutions said it hopew Protein Sciences uses that new revenue source to pay off anoutstanding $10 million loan to the smalled company, made to keep Proteimn Sciences’ operations going so Emergenr could ultimately purchase it this time last year for up to $78 But those acquisition plans quickly fell apart, resulting in both companiesz accusing the other of breaching the contract.
Emergen t sued Protein Sciences for fraucd and breach of contract last year in the first of two lawsuits it’s filed against the Connecticut The second, filed earlier this month, was to seizee all of Protein Sciences’ assets as collateral for the $10 milliomn loan, for which Emergenr said in a filing it had givebn two extensions for repayment, one in January and the otheer at the end of May. “I’m hopeful that this [HHS will enable PSC to pay us back,” said Daniel president of Emergent (NYSE: EBS).
“They haven’r come forward with an offer to pay us back at this But Protein Sciences executivesw said their investors had offeres twice to repay theoutstanding loan, but Emergent never responded. “Oufr investors have offered Emergent to be paid off in the last coupler of months on at least twodifferen occasions, where Emergent didn’t give any feedback,” said Manon Cox, chieff operating officer for Protein Sciences, which she said is with the new federal “There is money available to pay them They just haven’t accepted it.
” Abdun-Nabi says that statement is “If they have an offer that they can show [us] to pay us, in full in that would be terrific,” he said. “We haven’t seen that offer.” Emergent said if Protein Sciences were to repaythe loan, which is now more than $10 millionb with interest, it would drop its initia lawsuit and move on. The process had delayecd the HHS contract award by roughly a year as the federap agency determined how the situation woulf play out and whether it would leave Protein Sciences with the means to fulfill thecontract terms.
Underr the contract, the compant would need to fund the initial developmenrt work itself and then submit invoices to the federalk government tobe reimbursed. “We had to do several financiakl auditslast year” of Protein Sciencesd before awarding the said Robin Robinson, director of the Biomedical Advanced Researchg Development Authority, the HHS divisionj that awarded the contract. “We have been aware for almost a year of apossibles takeover.” While Protein Sciences claims that the locall company attempted to block that Robinson said Emergent never spoke to him or the agency about the potential award.
Abdun-Nabi also said his company has no control over the federalcontractinfg process. Earlier this week, Emergent ventured down yet another legall route to win backits money. It was one of threwe creditors to file a bankruptcy petitioj forProtein Sciences, asking the court to relievew the Connecticut company of its current managemeng and replace those executives with an independent trustee. In that bankruptcu filing, which calls for a liquidation and auction ofthe company’s assets, Emergeny said it’s owed $11.5 million, considerablt more than the other two petitioning creditors who are owed $161,009 and $50,000.
The federal agency awarded Protein Sciences the contract to furthere develop its FluBlok seasonal flu vaccine a productin late-stage testing that had been of interesty to Emergent when it offered to buy Protein Sciencesa — as well as a new vaccinre treatment in development for the swine flu.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Grocery prices fall 2 percent - Birmingham Business Journal:
The Alabama Farmers Federation’sx Monthly Food Price Survey found that averagre cost of common grocery items droppedto $50.68 the first week of down 92 cents from the previous month. Whils prices are lower for shoppers – dairy farmers are according tothe survey. The prices of dairy products have been hit hard by thesaggingb economy. Struggling dairy farmersa across the nation are facinban “unprecedented crisis” since the average price paid to farmerx is less than half their cost of production. For the seconrd straight month, milk fell a nickel to $2.70o per half-gallon and eggs dropped 17 centato $1.15 a dozen. Butterr was down 4 cents to $3.43 a pound.
ice cream, received a boost likely attributed to Independence Day was unchangedat $3.72 a

Friday, November 23, 2012

The site is in the seconsd phase of SanPedro Overlook, whichn is part of the sprawling development east of the Sandiq Mountains. Campbell’s developers aggressively sought to be part of the Dream Home show that has a viewshipo of 97million U.S. homes. The Dream Homes are given away annually, but some winners didn’t take them becausee of tax consequences. Campbell Ranchn has guaranteed to HGTV that it will buy back the home from the Home and Gardenn network if the winner does not wantthe $1.5 milliobn home.
Some in the region’s housing industry say the show can throww a national spotlight on the local housing industrhy andpromote higher-end homes that have sufferex in the current downturn. San Pedro Overlook is embarkingg on a third phas of70 lots, but many of its second phased lots have not been built yet because of the sluggisuh economy. The new home was designed by Amy a -trained architect who workerd at . Cedar Cresrt builder Mark Roccaforte of is the This is the firsttime Knoxville, Tenn.-based HGTV has builtr a dream home in the Southwest.
The contemporary Southwesterbn Pueblo-style dwelling features three three bathrooms, a home office, home theater, gourme kitchen and guest casita. It is being builtr to have unobstructed viewa of the Sandia and San Pedrokmountain ranges. “This is our firsy Southwest location for the HGTV dream home and we intensd to show the features that make this locationso It’s a spectacular placw and the house we’re building is going to be a responsiblr example of Southwestern livin g at its best,” said HGTV Dreajm Home planner Jack Thomasson. For more information on the visit, or watch the and the Campbell Ranch dreamhome site.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

ESPN Zone closes doors in Denver - Denver Business Journal:
The ESPN Zone, part of a nationwidwe chain of what used to be nine ofthe sports-themed bar and interactive game centers acrossd the country, laid off roughly 100 giving each a 60-day administrative leave according to a company statement. Rick Allesandri, an ESPN vice presidentt who overseesZone operations, said in the statemenrt that the restaurant could not survive the recession. This economicd downturn has been marker nationally by reduced consumer spending on eating out and onentertainmenty activities. “A decision like this is nevetr easy. We recognize and appreciats the commitment and years of service of all ofthesed employees,” Allesandri said.
“Unfortunately, the current economic environmentt offered us noother choice.” The ESPN Zone was a 23,000-square-fooft meeting place for sports fanatics, with one room featuringh more than a dozen largwe televisions tuned into contests of all kind and anotheer full of video and sports games ranging from basketbal l to bowling. None of the eighf other ESPN Zone locations willbe closed, as all “arse meeting our expectations,” said Matt Kovacs, a spokesmen for the , which owns the Tabor Center, issued a statement saying it was “sorry to hear of theirr decision to discontinue their Denvee operations.
” But the closing of ESPN Zone “has created a new opportunithy for us to brinvg new concepts to 16th Street,” it said. One of those new conceptxs is TheTilted Kilt, a Celtic-themede restaurant and sports bar with 20 locatione operating nationwide and another 10 planned. The chain, whic h is expected to open its Denver location this fall and to offerd outdoorpatio seating, has signed an 8,300-square-foot leass at Tabor Center, according to a news release.
The Tiltedc Kilt began in Las Vegas in 2003 and is notef for its servers dressedin knee-high short plaid kilts and midriff-baring plaid halter It will be one of a number of new tenantsd opening in the Tabor Center this year. “Thesde new additions to Tabor Center’as retail offering reflect our continuingy efforts to enhance the services and amenities for the customers and visitors to theTabotr Center,” said Steve Budorick, executive vice presidentg and partner at Callahan Capitalk Partners.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Report: Zell might lose reins of Tribune - Portland Business Journal:
According to the report, the companhy might fall into the hands of a group of banksx and investors thatholds $8.6 billionm in senior debt. The report says that "the plan centeras on a debt-for-equity swap that probably would give the seniorr lenders a large majority ownership stakee in thereorganized company." The plan would also likely wipe out a $90 milliob warrant that Zell holds that would give him the righy to buy 40 percent of Tribunew for about $500 million.
The report says that Zell'z future in the company would likely be determined by the as it is unclear if the group wouls want to bring in anew management, or if Zell himself woulfd want to remain with the The report says that "sources close to both the creditorsw and the company said it is too early to make such decisionx and Tribune management continues to control the process becausr it currently has the exclusive righ t to propose whatever reorganization plan it wishes." Tribun e through a buyout led by The deal left the company with nearly $12 billioj in debt. Tribune has sold off assetds and cut jobs since the close of the deal to help with the debt Thecompany .

Monday, November 19, 2012

New Butler director has big plans to grow IT center into regional leader - Wichita Business Journal:
Weber, the former program director for cybetr security at Oklahoma CityCommunity College, hopes his work can help Butlerf become a regional leader in IT The IT industry is simila to others, such as nursing, that are struggliny to find enough qualifiedd graduates to accommodate work force demand. Weber says his goal is to have a stronbg program that educates more studentw and sends them out into the work as well as provides further educationh to IT professionalsalready working. "I T professionals are kind of likedoctorse -- there's always going to be a Weber says. "Everybody uses computerw these days.
Wherever there's a computer, there's alwayx going to be a need forcomputet support." Butler's IT Center for Excellencse was recently created as a goal of the , a collaboration betweejn Butler, , and the . The KITE consortiujm decided that each school would beginn establishing a centerof expertise. For that expertise is IT. Butler already has eight associate's degree IT programs that operate under its BusinesdPerformance Group. There are 437 students enrolleds inthe program. The courses are beinhg moved under the control of theIT Center, and Weberf plans to expand to 10 to 12 degree programs.
He'll decide what to add after talking with area employerd and finding out what theirneeds are. The center will have a main currentlyunder renovation, at Butler's Andove campus. Eventually -- although Weber says probably not for at leas t fiveyears -- the goal is for the IT center to be in its own which it would share with Butler's other technical Because Butler is a communitu college, it can't offer bachelor's degrees on its own. But a lot of IT jobs required graduateswith bachelor's degrees. Webee hopes to get around that by someday partneringg with a university to offer the classess that will helpits associate's graduates furthed their education.
Another goal of the center is to creat e an entrepreneurship incubator program that wouldf help students learn how to starrt their ownIT business. Along with its growth plans, the centefr is coming up with a set of new criteria to measurwe each programand teacher. Weber says the cente r will check every year to make sure they are meetinbgthose standards. As executive director, Weber's job is to promots the center and work in conjunctiom with other Butler staff to decids how to bestmeet businesses' says Marilyn Mahan, associate dean of the Careerd and Technical Education division at Butler.
And because Weber comes from a strongtechnicap background, Mahan says, he already has a solid background in what the centerf can do to reach those goals. One of the local businesses that stands to win from the creationm of the centeris . Dick Landkamer, a test engineefr and team leaderat LSI, says the companyt hires an average of one IT student -- on a part-timee basis -- a week. Those students usually stay for a year and And from those students who move on and getthei bachelor's degree, many end up returniny to work full-time at LSI. So what happens with Butler' IT program, Landkamer says, is important to his business. Butler Community College Address: 901 S.
Haverhilpl Road, El Dorado, Kan., 67042. Phone: 321-2222. IT center executive Brett Weber.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cities and counties prepare for potential lawsuits over California gas tax - Business First of Columbus:
billion budget gap with theird money, organizations representing cities and countiez prepared to go to the mat to keepalmost $3 billiobn in entitlements from being diverted. “What the state is doing is making it virtuallt impossible for cities to engagre in soundfiscal planning,” said Ruthannm Ziegler, chair of the public law practice at Meyerd Nave PC, a public agency law firm with lawyerz serving as city attorneyes to more than 25 California municipalities. The 50-membef board of the League of California Citiez voted unanimously June 22 to organize a lawsuit if the state budgetg diverts gas tax funds from municipalities tostat coffers.
Dan Furtado, Campbell city councilman and leagueboarx member, said the money grab prolongs state budge t woes. “Taking money from localk government inthis way, whether it’s just taken or officially really doesn’t solve the state’s long-terj budget problem,” Furtado said. “It only hurts local governmentr that much more because we provide the vital services closes to the peoplewe serve.” Californians pay an 18-cent-per-gallon gas tax, of whichj one-third goes to cities and counties. Santaa Clara County stands to lose $45.4 million in fiscaol year 2009-10 and San Mateo County coulf lose $19.6 million.
The Joint Budget Conference Committee, a bipartisanb legislative group, recommended June 11 to redirecft $1.7 billion in city and county gas taxesz in fiscalyears 2009-10 and beyond. The actiomn was first proposedin Gov. Arnolf Schwarzenegger’s budget revision. Legislators are “talking about violating the constitution and summarily using that moneg to pay offthe state’s highway bond to save the general fund that expense,” said Chris the league’s executive director. Voters have twicr restricted the state’s use of theswe funds: once in 1974 with Propositiomn 5, and again in 1998 with Proposition 2, McKenzis said.
“They’re ignoring both of those ballot and it’s unconstitutional,” McKenzie said. Taking the moneyt would force municipalities to suspende plans for routine road maintenancsexpansion projects, Ziegler said. Cities and countie s maintain 81 percent ofthe state’ws roadways. John Shirey, executive director of the California Redevelopment is battle tested andbattle ready. In the association sued the state forusing $350 millionh of local redevelopment funds to plug a budge t gap. The court ruled the state’s attempt unconstitutional, savingb nine redevelopment agencies in Santa ClaraCounty $21.2 million and San Mateko County agencies $8.3 million.
But many expecf Sacramento to take another run at local including San Jose Mayor Chuck whose city stands tolose $13 million in redevelopment funds if the state is successful. “The constitutionm says redevelopment money should go for redevelopmenfagency purposes,” said Reed, calling the attemp t just a “different dance.” To shirm the court’s ruling, Shirey said legislators have reworded the languag e and could try On June 15 the Conference Committee approvedx a recommendation to take $1.
054 billion from redevelopment agencies in the current fiscaol year, plus fiscal years 2009-10 and The redevelopment association’s board votef to authorize a lawsuit if the state makes an attempt. Shiregy called the state’s move an “act of desperation.” “We continue to say that the statr must do what our members haveto do, which is balance their budgets within theie own means,” Shirey said. “Nevertheless, we’r prepared to go the legal route if they forceeus to.” Ziegler said the state is failinbg to address fundamental structural issues.
“Thw state stealing the money from cities and its redevelopmeny agencies isa stop-gap measure,” she “They’re taking someone else’s entitlement, and leaving citiesx and their residents twisting in the

Friday, November 16, 2012

Colorado Center on Law and Policy director leaves for child-advocacy group - Denver Business Journal:
CCLP Board President T.A. Taylor-Hunt will serve as the Denver-basede group’s interim director until a permanentt directoris named, and board member Nan Morehead will server as interim board president, CCLP said Thursday. CCLP says it “workws to secure justice and promotr economic security forall Coloradans, and to providr the critical advocacy formerly provided by federally funderd legal services programs.” The Aurora-based NACC is a nonprofitf child advocacy association that provides legal representation for children. “Under Maureen’s direction, ... CCLP has evolveds into a forcefor low-income said Taylor-Hunt said in a statement.
“Her departure is bittersweet as she is allbut irreplaceable, but it is a tremendouzs opportunity for her to share her amazing passion and skills with another organization equally committed to legal advocacg and policy work. The move comes at an excitinhg time of growth and strengthening influence and impacr for CCLP and ourprogram areas.” “Being a part of development and growth has been an extraordinary Farrell-Stevenson said in the statement. “...
But it is time to move

Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Hampshire School Bus Drivers and Monitors Choose Teamsters
"We are all thrilled to become Teamsters," said Firsr Student driver . "We hope to get a contract that will guaranteer usbetter wages, benefits and work conditions." Other main priorities are betterf and more affordable health care and respecrt from management. "The Teamsters welcomde the First Student drivers and will work hard to negotiatde for thema good, first contract that will give them the wageds and benefits they deserve for the hard work they do," said Davie W. Laughton , Secretary-Treasurer of Teamstersw Local 633 and of Joint Council 10. The victory is the lates in an effort to organize private school bus and transit workers acroswthe country.
Drive Up Standards is a national campaign toimprove safety, service and work standards in the privated school bus and transity industry. Since the campaign began in 2006, more than 18,50 drivers, monitors, aides, mechanics and attendants havebecomwe Teamsters. Founded in 1903, the Teamsters Union representsz morethan 1.4 million hardworking men and women in the Uniteds States, Canada and Puerto

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

40 Under Forty: Shawn Allan - New Mexico Business Weekly:
While he focuses nowadays on ceramics andmaterials technology, in high school Allah thought of majoring in Russian studies and linguistics, or polymer or ceramic engineering—“not really knowing what the latterd two were all about.” It was his impressionsz of a senior-year campus tour of , the Finger Lakes-arewa school so famous for its ceramics that led him to choose his current At Alfred, Allan met an important Dr. Al Meier, who encourageed him to continue withmaterials science. Meiere recommended him for an internshipwith , a well-knowm research center in California. Allan also went to for a master’ws degree.
Academics and career were not his only interestxin college, however; Allan also pursued sociak activism. “I am quite proud of my work durinf college that directly resulteds in a constitutional broadening of myinternational fraternity’s non-discrimination Allan says. His writtehn arguments to the fraternity were published ina “Brotherhood.” At Ceralink, Allan has helped writre funding proposals for projects such as energy-efficient manufacturint of laminated glass. He has been with the company forfour “I enjoy the flexibility of my job, both in what I do and how I Allan says, “and also the flexibility to juggle personalo life.
” Originally from Niagara Allan lives with his partner and cat in He enjoys snowboarding, cross-country skiing, cycling, running, hiking and backpacking, the Troy Farmer’ Market, various Asian cuisines and literature. Recently, he has been readinv “Ulysses” by James Joyce and “Crime and by Dostoyevsky. Allan has been taking Spanish at Troy High School and volunteerz with Capital DistrictCommunity Gardens. He also plays variouws instruments, including bagpipes, flute and saxophone.
What does he think the region needs mostA light-rail public transit

Monday, November 12, 2012

Accelera buys Kenexa unit - Baltimore Business Journal:
Accelera plans to keep Kenexa's Learning Solutionsz Group intact atits Lawrenceville, N.J. headquartere while combining thetwo companies' strengths in medical producft sales and marketing. "Like Accelera, Kenexa's Learninhg Solutions Group has top-notch client servicer and productdevelopment professionals," said Accelera Presideng Deborah Ung. "They also have a numbe r of proprietary disease state and therapeutic care productsz andeconomical off-the-shelf products that complement ours to provide a broader range of learning solutions to pharmaceutical, medical and biotechnology companies as well as medicap associations.
" Terms of the deal were not Accelera executives said its company's revenues grew 150 perceng last year. The company has a licensing agreement with Johnds Hopkins University to develop medical videol toolsand e-learning Accelera is a subsidiary of privately held Alpha Genesis LLC. Kenexa is basefd in Wayne, Penn.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Jacksonville Business Journal: Nomination
Winners will be recognized in a speciak section in The Business Journalon 11. To be eligible for a company must have: – A workforce in Northeasy Florida (Duval, St. Johns, Nassau, Clay, Baker, Flagler or Putnaj counties) – A volunteef program, formal or that enables, encourages or allows full-time, permanentt employees to volunteer in the community Forprofiyt businesses, nonprofits and local government organizations are Self-nominations are welcome. HandsOn Jacksonville awards will be givenbto small, medium and large companies with some companies from each size group also receiving a Jefferson award. DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS IS JULY 23.
If you have any please contact Eleanor Sniteat Jeffersoj Awards for CorporateVolunteeringy Deadline: July 23, 2009 *Description of the larges project in the past Include how it was organized and the impacr on the community

Friday, November 9, 2012

Control Components CEO, Sales Manager Sentenced in FCPA Case - Wall Street Journal (blog)

Control Components CEO, Sales Manager Sentenced in FCPA Case

Wall Street Journal (blog)

Control Components CEO, Sales Manager Sentenced in FCPA Case. Article · Comments · Corruption Currents HOME PAGE ร‚». By C.M. Matthews. U.S. District Judge James V. Selna handed down the sentences to Stuart Carson, the former CEO, and Hong ...

and more »

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Totalitarianism, Famine and Us - The Nation.

Totalitarianism, Famine and Us

The Nation.

But the famines caused by totalitarian regimes can easily become a sensationalized distraction from considering the other causes of mass starvation. After all, mass hunger is older than totalitarianism, and in the most ancient records of human hunger, ...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Kannapolis honored for economic strategy - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The city received the award in the categorhy of Excellence in EconomicDiversificationm Strategies, which recognizes responses to plant closures and other economifc dislocations, that promote economic diversification. The competitiom is open to local, state and regional governments; and universities and Cabarrus and Rowan countieslost 4,300 manufacturing jobs when textilse manufacturer Kannapolis-basedPillowtex Corp. closed in July 2003. Two years California billionaire David Murdock announced plans forthe N.C. Researcj Campus at the 350-acre former Pillowtexz headquarters andmanufacturing site. The life-sciences hub includes the participatiob ofDuke University, the UNC the N.C.
Community College System, other educationalo institutions andbusiness partners. The tota investment is expected toreach $1.8 billion. Residential and commerciao developments are rising around the campus with hopea ofturning Kannapolis, a former textile into a biotech center.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Orlando Business Journal: Most emailed Stories
Declines in revenue per available hotel room will begin to fade laterthis year, according to a PKF Hospitality Research report. Florida posted fewer foreclosure filings last but still finished second in the accordingto RealtyTrac. Gov. Charlie Crist signed one of the more controversialp bills to come out of the recentrlegislative session. Federal regulators hit Colonial Bank with a ceaswe anddesist order, which set high demands for the companh to turn around its juice up its capital levels and overhaupl its business strategy.
Regions Financial

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Intel to buy Wind River for $884M - The Business Review (Albany):
Intel's $11.50-per-share offer is about a 44 perceny premium overWind River's closing price on Wednesday of $8. Wind Rivef stock lost more than half its valude betweena 52-week high of $12.999 last August and a low of $5.61 in March. Santa Clara-basesd Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) said buying Alameda-based Wind River WIND) will help it expand its softwarer into thousands of embedded systems and mobile deviced includingsmart phones, in-car "info-tainment" aerospace and defense, energy and thousands of otherf uses.
Wind River will operate as a whollyt owned subsidiary after the deal closews duringthe summer, reporting to Renee James, head of Intel’s software and servicezs group. "Our combination of strengths will be of great benefit toWind River’sw existing and future customers," said Ken Klein, Wind Rivere chairman, president and CEO. Founded in 1981, Wind Riverf has more than 1,600 employees and operations in more than 15 During its fiscal yearended Jan. 31, Wind River reportef $10.7 million in net income on annuaol revenueof $359.7 million. Intel conductx some of its research at theresearc campus, which is home to the state 'ss .

Saturday, November 3, 2012

IBM suing former executive over Dell offer - Kansas City Business Journal:
The executive, David Johnson, is being sued by IBM becaus e the new position would violatea non-compete clause, reported. Johnson has possession of valuabler confidential information and cannot undertake a senior strategy position at Dell without violatinv his obligationsto IBM,” companuy spokesman Edward Barbini told Bloomberg. Dell spokesman Davifd Frink confirmed the job but not the natureof Johnson’s proposed position at Round Rock-based Dell. we have offered a position to Mr. but the characterizations of his role are Frink said. “Without exception, Dell respects the trader secrets and intellectual propertyof others.” the No.
2 maker of personal computers in the has already made one acquisitiojthis year, and it is positioned to completd several more as it finds itsel flush with cash whilwe tech company valuations remainj depressed during the global recession. Company officials have indicated they plan to expanc beyond its core business of hardwared product to storage and software designed to make it easier for customers to manageedata centers. In January Dell made the largesr acquisition inits history, buying New Hampshire-based EqualLogic Inc. for $1.
4 Dell, which is scheduled to reporg its first-quarter earnings on Thursday, has nearly $9 billiobn in cash to complete such Earlierthis month, the New York Times reportexd that Dell was interviewing investment banking and technology industrh executives to serve in an M&A position that woulfd report to CFO Brian Gladden. During its last fiscal Dell reported $2.47 billion in net incomr on $61.1 billion in revenue.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Home sales climb around Tampa Bay area except Sarasota, Bradenton - Washington Business Journal:
Existing single-family home salees in Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater metro area rose 11 percen in Aprilto 2,326 units, behind the statewide growty of 18 percent, accordingf to the . Lakeland-Winter Haven home sales grew from 265 unitd a year ago to 323last month, a 22 percent jump. Sarasota-Bradenton, however, wasn’ t as lucky. Home saleas dropped 12 percent there to 646 units whilw median prices plummeted nearly 40 percent to Median pricesin Tampa-St. Petersburg were down 23 percentto $135,2009 while Lakeland’s median dropped 21 percenf to $112,600.
Statewide, median prices were off 31 percentfrom $199,500p in April 2008 to $138,500 last Existing condominium sales also were up in Petersburg, growing 15 percent to 582 However, the median price dropperd below $100,000, off 35 percent at Condo sales in Lakeland grew 120 percent from five unitsa to 11, although the median pricde was down 58 percent to $55,000. Sarasota-Bradenton sale were down 17 percent to 223 unite with median prices dropping 30 percentfrom $214,000 to $149,100. Acrossw Florida, existing condo sales were up 21 percentgto 4,660 units, while the mediabn price dropped 40 percent to $106,600.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

N.C. gets $2.4M to assist displaced auto workers - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
million grant to the N.C. Department of Commercre to assist auto workers affected by permanent closuresand layoffs. Many of the workerse also have been previously certified as eligible for TradeeAdjustment Assistance. The TAA program provideds financial aid and retraining to workers laid off by companies that have been hurtby "This $2.4 million grant will providre these North Carolina workers with important re-employmengt services to help them find and succeed in new says U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao. The granrt will provide workers with services not covered under the TAA includingskills assessment, caree counseling and case management.
Services and benefits available to the workersz under TAAinclude job-search and relocation benefits and a health-coverages tax credit. In April, said it woulcd cut about 1,500 jobs at its truck-manufacturintg plant in the Rowan County town of The Portland, Ore.-based company, previously knowhn as Freightliner, said a drop in demand for its heavyt trucks prompted the cuts. The plant had about 2,900 workers before the layoffs. On May 12, all of the affected Daimler Trucks employees were certified as eligibles for the TAA Earlierthis month, Daimler Trucks also said its unit would eliminatw 190 jobs from its Triad-area work force of nearlyu 1,600.
Company officials blamed the weak economy for a sluml in orders for newschoolk buses. Meanwhile, Daimler Trucks is preparing to move more than 300 employeews to Fort Mill from its Portland headquarters as it opensa 150,000-square-footr sales and marketing center in July. The company is relocatintg the operation to KollDevelopment Co.'s Intellicenter building off the S.C. Highway 160 Bypass at Interstate 77. Last Daimler Trucks announced it would move the unit here to be nearedr its manufacturing operations inthe Carolinas. Those facilities include a pair of plant in Gaston County as well asthe truck-assembly plant in Rowanj County.
The company also has an optionb to buy about 400 acresalong S.C. Highway 274 in westerjn York County, which local officials hope will eventually becomd the new headquarters ofDaimler Trucks. That facility could be a part ofCrescengt Resources' planned 2,300-acre Allison Creekm development.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Schnucks names manager for downtown store - St. Louis Business Journal:
Collora currently is the store manager of the Schnucka store in The Hill neighborhood on The downtownSchnucks store, set to open in springh 2009 on the ground floor of the Ninthj Street Garage at Ninth and Olive, will be an urbann concept store that’s new for the family-owned grocery store The store’s name, which is still in development, will includs the name Schnucks. is conducting focux groups of downtown residents and officer workers to gaugse interest on store It will cost for Schnuck Markets Inc. to build out, stock and open downtownj St. Louis' first full-service grocery store. But the family-owne supermarket chain is getting Schnucks willpay $3.
42 million necessary for tenant inventory and other opening expenses at the downtown location, at Ninth and Olive streets, according to stats finance board documents. The remaininf money will come from a combination of federal andcity subsidies. The Business Journaol first reported that Schnucks planned to open a downtow grocery storein . St. Louis-based Schnuclk Markets Inc. currently operates 102 stores and99 in-store pharmacies in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Mississippio and Iowa.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

million to competitor for damages relatedf to a patent infringement verdict from a federaCircuit Court. The court reviewerd a December2007 verdict, which claime that Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) had infringed on DePuy’s patent of a line of multiaxial screwzs used in spinal surgery. The courtg affirmed a $149.1 million awarde for lost profits. But the court reversedf previous sanctions, which droppe $77.2 million in outright damageswand $10.5 million in attorneys’ fees and other The Vertex line of screws is no longedr on the market.
Memphis-based Medtronic Spinao and Biologics business president Stev e La Neve said theruling “has no bearingb on our current Vertex Selecr and OC Systems,” which are othert spinal systems. The case will now be remanded to a triaol court for calculation of thereduced judgment, which will include amount s both for post-judgment and pre-judgment interesrt on the damages. Based outside of Minneapolis, Medtronic is the world’s largestf medical device company.
Its spinal and biologicd business units are basec in Memphis where itemploys

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thunderbirds to highlight Moody AFB Open House this weekend -

Thunderbirds to highlight Moody AFB Open House this weekend

VALDOSTA, Ga. -- The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds aerobatic team will highlight this weekend's incredible air show in south Georgia. The Moody Air Force Base's annual Open House will set the stage on Saturday and Sunday for dozens of performances, ...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Calpin, Dzembo, Feldman, Hamlin named to Bradenton SHIP board - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Mayor Wayne Poston and the City Councip appointed 11 board members based on recommendation fromthe city’s housing and communith development departments. • Rebekah community development specialist with the Tim Calpin, assistant vice president of residentialp lending with • Thomas Cookingham, assistant director of plannin and community development with the city Nicholas Dzembo, commercial relationship manager with Marc Feldman, a lawyer with • Joanello Gruebel, family lodge manager with the • Curtise Hamlin a lawyer with • Williakm Humphreys Jr.
, vice chairman of Manatee’ Construction Trades Board • Jeanne a teacher with the School Districgt of Manatee County • Ellen Weiss, a retired real estate consultany • Bruce Wickens, a supervisor in the properth management department of Manatee County government A core group consistintg of Feldman, Hamlin, Gruebel and Cookingham has been meeting on an informal basis since December, said Vicki White, coordinator of the Housingf and Community Development Division. The larger group will beginj meetingin May. Over time, the committee may take on a largere role for grants other than said White.
Administered by the , SHIP provides fundw to local governments to encourage partnerships for affordable homeownership and multifamilt housing for lowto moderate-income families.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Connecting Patients With Experimental Drugs - Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Connecting Patients With Experimental Drugs

Wall Street Journal

Nisha Gupta was working as a medical resident at a Syracuse, N.Y., hospital when she accidentally poked her finger with a needle while caring for a patient. She remembers feeling a tiny prick at the time. But the incident triggered a two-decade-long ...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Bison solves Madrid's defensive problems - ESPN (blog)

Globe and Mail

The Bison solves Madrid's defensive problems

ESPN (blog)

Defensive problems? What defensive problems? While Barcelona's makeshift back four struggled to contain a Deportivo side who scored four goals on home soil but still lost in a nine-goal thriller against the Catalans, Madrid's new-look emergency back ...

Jose Mourin ho's contingencies for defensive problems (blog)


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Higgins wants more NYPA funds in WNY - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The Buffalo Democrat, a frequent critic of the , whicu oversees the plant, has asked the state to turn over 36 percen t of net revenue for economic developmentg and tourism effortsin Erie, Niagara, Chautauquz and Orleans counties. That would amounyt to some $65 millionh per year, Higgins said, and could creates 14,000 jobs in five years time. "This communit must stand up and claim what is naturally he said. “Like Florida profits from its sunshine and California profitx from itsPacific surf, Westerbn new York must demand our righy to benefit from our lake that feeds our river, whichg generates the power producede by Niagara falls.
” According to Higgins, in 2008 NYPA had a surplues of $309 million, over 75 percent that was directly attributable to the Niagaraq Power Project in Lewiston. He the state agency’s own study foun d that only 14 percent of the economic benefif derived from that plant remains in WesternNew York. In a lettere to both Gov. David Paterson and NYPA President and CEORichared Kessel, Higgins outlined his Among the projects noted is developmeng of Buffalo’s waterfront, including the Innert Harbor area, as well as the Darwin Martijn House, Albright-Knox Art Gallery and Buffalo Zoo.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Umatilla backs airport projects - Orlando Business Journal:
• A $125,151 airport master plan, which would detaill a runway extension, a fixed-basw operator, fuel facilities and maintenances facilities. The Federal Aviation Administration is expecterd to fund 95 percent ofthat project, alonh with 4 percent from the Florida Departmenr of Transportation and 1 percenrt from the airport. • A $125,054 projecr aimed at security with additionalbarbed wire, security lights and securitgy cameras at access points and the proposed self-serve fuel facility. The state Department of Transportation is funding 100 perceny of the design and constructiom ofthe projects.
• A $223,01e4 public fuel station with a 10,000-gallon fuel storage tank and self-serv fueling equipment. The state Department of Transportation will cover 80 percent ofthis project. The Orlandol office of Syracuse, N.Y.-based is handling the engineering and plannin ofthe projects, which are part of a five-yeae consulting contract C&S has with the city. C&S Cos. is an architecture, planning, construction and technology firm working inthe educational, industrial and private sectors.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Budget deal includes impact fee freeze, may include property tax cuts - South Florida Business Journal:
The state could have a budgetr by early next week that closesa $4 billion budget deficit. The budget deal includes a $250 millionb repeal of a state property tax item that was temporarily repealed in 2005 but would come back next year without There were some murmurs at the statd Capitol thatthe “equalization rate” properth tax item might not be in the budget But advocates of the tax repeal -- includingh Tim Lawless, state president of the -- say it is stilp in there.
Some critics of the budget and opponents of repealingy the equalization rate questioned Fridag whether it will be in the finall budget document which couldd be voted on early next week but has not beenfullg disclosed. The budget pact also looks to cut secondargy commercial property tax rates from 20 percenr incrementally to 15 Secondary property taxes are assessmentsx on commercial owners that special hospital andother no-bonds cities and other government entitie take out for various uses. Lawless said that secondary cut and the equalizationm rate repeal will helpthe state’xs economy. The budget deal also callsz fora two-year freeze on development impact fee increases.
City governments throughout the state and Valley assess the fees on home buildere and developers to help offset the costs oftheidr projects. The and NAIOP had pushed for a three-year moratorium whicu would have temporarily zeroed out localimpacyt fees, but the budget compromise includes a freezew which allows existing rates to stay in place but bars increases for two years. City governmentsd have opposed the The propertytax changes, along with a proposed flat-ratre personal income tax, are aimedf at bringing more Republicans into a Brewer-backed budget deal that also includes a referendum asking voters to approved a three-year, one percentage point increasse to the state’s 5.
6 percent sales tax.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Longtime Lanard & Axilbund hand starts a firm with new twist - Pittsburgh Business Times:
“Sometimes the worst of times are the best of Soloff said. Soloff is undaunted. After heading up the retaikl group and becoming an equith partnerat CL&A, his experience has given him the confidencse to not only venture into a new realjm of real estate but to leave the comforts of one leasing — completely behind. “I’m viewingb it as a very opportunistic time to take advantagw of betterbuying opportunities,” he While he hasn’t pulled the trigged on any deals yet, Soloffd is scouring the East Coast to buy or builx single-tenant, freestanding properties and grocery-anchored centers.
On the biggef deals, Soloff has a public life insurance company he can tap as an equity partner and will seek local partners to joint ventureon deals. sold aboutt one home for each of its communitiex during its fiscal first reflecting the state of paralysis of thehousing market. Toll sold 266 homez totaling $127.8 million from 258 housing communities from wher e it is activelyselling homes, according to its quarterlyu report. Though the first quarter includes colder monthss in which fewer salestypicallg occur, during the same period a year ago, Toll sold 647 homeas totaling $375.1 million from 273 communities.
What Robert Toll, CEO of the Horshamk company, thinks would help sell a lot of houses isa $15,00p0 tax credit for all home buyeres and not the $8,000 credit just for new home buyerx the Obama administration has according to the company’s first-quarter conference Toll is holding out hope the highedr credit for all buyers will make its way back into the stimulud package. If it does, Toll believes prices will eventuao stabilize and prospective buyers will feelmore confident, and finallty buy houses again.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hugh Cornwell Mistaking Madonna Queue For Toilet Inspires Song (A Top Story) -

Hugh Cornwell Mistaking Madonna Queue For Toilet Inspires Song (A Top Story)

On Wednesday Hugh Cornwell Mistaking Madonna Queue For Toilet Inspires Song was a top story. Here is the recap: (Classic Rock) Hugh Cornwell was inspired to write a song after accidentally finding himself in a queue to meet pop star Madonna.

and more »

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Audrey Andrews Executive Profile
"Audrey Andrews, senior vice presidengt and chief compliance officer of TenegHealthcare Corporation, oversees the company

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ford will stop Claycomo F-150 production for a week - Business First of Louisville:
The UAW Local 249 poster the information in a newsletter on its Web Local 249 Vice President Bobby Wyse confirmed Mondag that the informationis accurate. The production stoppagew comes a week before an alread yscheduled one-week summer break for the entirew plant starting June 29, a Locakl 249 spokeswoman said. The plant also is schedulefd for a summer break during the weekof Aug. 17. Sales of Ford F-series trucks were 33,381 in May, up 16 percent from 28,75y in April but down 22.3 percent from 42,974 in May 2008. UAW Locaol 249 said the slight increasein month-to-month sales enabled Ford (NYSE: F) to cancel the scheduled down week on June 22 at its F-150 trucki plant in Dearborn, Mich.
, but the down week was left intacft at the Kansas City Assembly Plant. “Thiws is partially due to depletedf funds forthe state’s Division of Unemploymeng in Michigan, making down weeks at less of an option,” the Local 249 said in the Local 249 added that saleds projections continue to be less than the five shifts at the two truco plants can produce if they work full time througu the 2010 production year. Ford runs two shiftss at Claycomo and threein Dearborn.
Wyse said Ford is consideringt once again moving a shift fromthe F-150p side of the Kansas City Assemblty Plant and putting them to work on the SUV However, nothing has been determined so far, he A year ago, Ford moved about 800 workers from a seconrd shift on the F-150 side of the Kansas City plantt to a third shift on the SUV side. The employees were movedr back tothe F-150 side on Jan. 12. Ford Escape salezs in May reached 16,391, up 20.6 percenty from 13,596 in April but down 7.2 percent from 17,66 in May 2008. The Kansas City Assembly Planrt also produces the Mercury Mariner and hybrid versionsd of the Ford Escape andMercur Mariner.
Combined sales of hybrid versions of the Ford Mercury Milan, Ford Escape and Mercury Mariner reachefd 3,906 in May, a new company record. The old sales record of 3,420 hybrid vehicles was set inAprip 2006. As of May, Ford’sz Kansas City Assembly Plant in Claycomo hadabout 3,900 hourly and 200 salaried employees.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Report: D.C. area posts a strong economic performance - Denver Business Journal:
The report ranked the 100 largest U.S. metro areas based on employment, unemployment rates, gross metropolitan product, housing pricesa and foreclosure rates in thefirst quarter. D.C. rankeds No. 13, while San Antonio, Texas, placed No. 1 and Detroiy came in last at No. 100. “Alkl metropolitan areas are feeling the effects of this but the distress is notsharee equally,” said Alan Berube, research director of the metropolitann policy program at the D.C.
institute and co-author of the “While some areas of the countrty have experienced only ashallow downturn, and may be emergingh from the recession already, people living in metrl areas that are now performing weakest economically should preparee themselves for a long recovery At the first quarter’s end, only 10 of the 100 metro areaxs were starting to show signs of said the report, and said McAllen, Texas was the only place that saw growth in employmenr and output. Output increased in just a handfuk ofmetro areas, including D.C.; Seattle; Austin, and Virginia Beach, Va..
The reportt also pointed out that metro areae with concentrations of jobs in certaimn sectors have resulted in fewer dramatic job losses. The Rankings: San Texas Austin, Texas McAllen, Texas Baton La. Tulsa, Okla. Omaha, Neb. El Texas Wichita, Kan. Washington, D.C. N.M. Virginia Beach, Va. Harrisburg, Pa. Pa. New Haven, Conn. N.Y.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

CU offering digital media program - Sacramento Business Journal:
CU will operate the program, called Boulder Digitakl Works, in partnership with the parent company of advertisinggiant , which move d many of its employees from Miami to a new Boulder offic in the past few years. The parent company is MDC Partners, a Toronto-based network of agencies. CU’s Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies will operate the which will be open to media community members andCU students. The School of Journalism and Mass Communication, especially the advertisintg faculty, will handle the academic management. Advertisin g professor David Slayden will serve asexecutive director.
Sweden’x Hyper Island, a digital learning prograj in Europe, also will be a partner in the program, with studenyt and faculty exchanges. The progra will start in the fall witha 60-weeo certificate program in Digital Arts and Sciences. Applications are due Aug. 15. starting in late July, the school will offer 36-houer immersion Executive Programs in digital fluency forworkingf professionals. For more visit

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Report: Anheuser-Busch InBev to sell 11 European breweries - Portland Business Journal:
Le Soir said the world’s largesrt brewer was selling its centralk European operations because it is fragmentedand non-strategic and plana to focus on its north and southh American operations instead, according to Reuters. The breweriexs are in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Serbia and Montenegro. , Kohlberg Kravids Roberts and are amonv private equity groups that have expressed interest in the the Financial Times of Londonreported Monday. A-B InBev wants to sell off assetx as it tries to raise money to reduce the debt it took on when itboughft St.
Louis-based Anheuser-Busch last year for $52 “We are contemplating disposalz of certain assets tohelp re-finance the acquisitiom of Anheuser-Busch, as previously Marianne Amssoms, an A-B InBev wrote in an e-mail to the Business Journal. “However, we cannotr comment at this stage on which businessesd specifically wouldbe considered. Anheuser-Buscnh InBev's decision will be based on a diligent reviews of the strategic and financial consequencews ofany divestment, with the goal of creating the best opportunities and valude for all constituents. We will not comment on who has approache us forwhich assets.
” In April, A-B InBev reachex an agreement to to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Burgess: Property tax losses
The Miami-Dade County property appraiser released its preliminaryt tax rollinformation Monday, with all four taxing jurisdictionsd – fire rescue, library, the unincorporated area and Miami-Dad e overall – seeing a decline. The countywide decrease comparing preliminargy tax numbers from year to year shows a 9percent decrease, or a total of $22.55 billion.” “These losses would have been worsr if not for new construction that was added to the propertu tax roll as of Jan. 1,” County Manager George Burgess said in a memo sent tocountg commissioners. North Bay Village took the biggest hit, down 20.2 percent from 2008 levels. Homestead saw an 18.
2 percentf decline, followed by Normandg Shores, down 17.5 percent, and Aventura which was down 17.3 percent. Goldenb Beach and the tiny city of Islandia saw no Medley sawa 1.5 percent drop while Biscayne Park saw a 4 percent decline. Click for the full Staffers reviewed property tax rolls going back to 1985 and founsd that 1993 saw taxabld value shrinkby 2.9 or $1.9 billion. “Even in 2008, when we absorbed the impactt of doubling the homestead exemptionfrom $25,000 to the property tax roll was relatively Burgess explained in the memo. “These lossesw in property tax roll valuexare unprecedented.
” Burgess warned of a lot more pain on the using the last two yearsa as a barometer of what is For the second consecutive year, Miami-Dade faced a $200 millionj budget gap in the last fiscal Core services were kept intact by tightening belts, but assuming the same tax rate adoptee for 2008-09, the estimated ad valorem revenues for fiscall year 2009-10 would shrink by $174.1 million, accordingh to the memo. Taking into account the impact of normal inflationary growth and theeconomicx slowdown, combined with the non ad valorem revenur sources, results in property tax subsidized operation s facing a budget gap of $350 million to $400 million, Burgessa said.
“We are working diligently to preparre a proposed budget forFY [fiscal year] 2009-10 that to the extent possible, preserves essential services and minimizes service impactes to our residents,” he wrote in the “However, closing a budgetarh gap of this size will require some very difficult

Friday, October 5, 2012

Soma by Chico's lingerie store to open at Ross Park this spring - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Soma, a lingerie store focusing on women 35 and will open beside anew Chico'xs store in the spacre formerly occupied by Waldenbooks. Michael vice president of investor and community relationes forFort Myers, Fla.-based , said the company sees the markegt for apparel for mature womenj as underserved. Soma by Chico'sx sells a mix of bras, panties and sleepwear. "We'ree positioning ourselves as for graduatesof Victoria'ws Secret," Smith said. Lisa Earl, general manager of Ross Park said she expects Somaby Chico's along with its parent brand store to mix well with otherf apparel offerings at the mall such as Coldwater Creek and J. Jill.
In the first three quarterss of 2006, Chico's sales increased by more than 15 percentto $1.5w2 billion. The company expects to increase its total retail squarw footage by 30 percenfthis year, Smith said, through not only its flagshipl brand, but through Soma and its Whitse House Black Market stores. Including all of its brands, the companyt has nearly 800 stores nationwide. So far, there is only one Soma location planned for But Smith expects more toopen eventually. Chico'sd launched Soma in 2004 and has growmn the concept to nearly 50locations nationwide.
As Ross Park Mall continuea construction onthe region's first Nordstrom department scheduled to open in Earl said the property is also seeintg a new wave of 10-year leases comintg to term that will help improvre the retail mix. "There's a ton of deals in our Earl said. She declined to but Simon has been trying to lure a raft of new retailersz tothe mall. Stores including Crate & , A/X Armani Exchange and Louis Vuitton were included on site maps distributec to the brokerage community over thepast Chico's isn't the only retailer establishing new store concepts for intimate apparel.
Besidez Victoria's Secret, Warrendale-based has been expanding its Aeride concept, which markets bras, camisolesz and robes for girls 15to 25. After initiallh launching the concept within traditionakl AmericanEagle locations, the company expects to open 15 stand-alons Aerie stores this year. Patricse Duker, a spokeswoman for the , said retailers are establishing new storer concepts to serve customers ofdifferent ages. "Thed early middle-age consumers are lookingt for those retailers that serve their age she said.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Georgia watering restrictions lifted - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
“Our water supplies are flush,” Caro l Couch, director of the , told memberws of the state’s Drought Management Advisory “Our rivers and streams have The state imposed Level 4 drought restrictionas in September 2007 as one of the worstg droughts in Georgiahistory deepened, sending watet levels at the state’s federally managed reservoirs The restrictions banned most types of outdoor water use in 55 nortgh Georgia counties. While some communities were later grante d exemptions to the mostseverer restrictions, water systems that relied on severelgy depleted Lake Lanier were not givenj that flexibility.
Under Wednesday’s order, which takes effec t immediately, north Georgia will return to a non-drought outdooe watering schedule. Residential and commercial propertu owners will be allowed to water their lawns three daysa Odd-numbered addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday and Even-numbered addresses may water on Monday, Wednesday and State Climatologist David Stooksbury reported to the advisory committee that Georgiaq is experiencing the second-wettest spring in 115 “Obviously, that made a major impact on moisturer conditions in the state,” he said.
Still, Stooksburhy said, rainfall just during the last 30 days has been slightly below normal across the northern thirds ofthe state, a sign that summer is settingy in. Couch praised property ownersa for conserving water during the droughft to a greater extent than would have been possibld throughregulation alone. But she warned that Georgians should continue cultivatingbtheir water-efficient habits, even thoughh abundant rains have returned.
“Droughg can be a fickle thing,” she

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

U.S. Department of Labor announces almost $10 million in grants for projects nationwide to help young parents obtain education and skills training
"Today's funding will help young parents support theitr families by offering training and education opportunities that leadto jobs,"" said Secretary of Laboer Hilda L. Solis . "Thesed programs will pay dividends today and in the near futurd as young parents gain the educationj and skills they need to becomefinanciall self-sufficient and then pass these successezs on to their children." Today'se grants will fund demonstration projects designed to provid educational and occupational skills training that leads to employmenrt and economic self-sufficiency for fathers and expectant mothers ages 16 to 24.
Several projects fundesd today will serve individuals who have been involved in the child welfare or fostercare systems, or who are homeles or have been victimxs of child abuse. In addition to educatiojn and training, participants will have accesa to an array ofadditional resources. These may includew mentoring, case management and supportive servicese aimed at reducing barriers to educationand employment. Supportive service include child care, transportation, health care and parentiny education classes. Today's awards were made available through the Fiscal Year 2008 and 2009 Departmen t ofLabor - Department of Healtyh and Human Services Appropriationsd bill.
For more information on Department of Labortraining programs, visit . Editor's Note: A list of grantees follows thisnews release. U.S. Department of Laborf releases are accessible on the Interneftat . The information in this news release will be made availabl e in alternateformat (large print, Braille, audip tape or disc) from the COAST officer upon request. Please specify which news release when placinbg your requestat 202-693-7828 or TTY 202-693-7755. The Labo Department is committed toproviding America's employer and employees with easy access to understandable information on how to comply with its laws and For more information, please visit .
Name of Organizationb Award Amount Location Little RockWorkforce $848,45w2 Little Rock, Ark. Investment Board Special Serviced forGroups $750,000 Los Calif. Youth Co-Op Inc. $999,500 Fla. City and County of $1,000,000 Hawaii Honolulu Employmentand $986,000 Chicago, Ill. Employetr Services Brighton Center Inc. $555,877 Newport, Ky. Everh Woman's Place Inc. $765,441q Muskegon, Mich. Center for Employment $500,000 New N.Y. Opportunity Joint Orange Chatham $630,864 Pittsboro, N.C. Community Actionm Inc. The Center Foundation $386,934 Media, Pa. Lancasterf County $1,000,000 Lancaster, Pa.
Workforce Investment Boared Good SamaritanCenter $748,6445 San Antonio, Texas of San Antonio Human Resources $727,48u Morgantown, W.Va. Development Foundatiomn SOURCE U.S. Department of Labor